Went to my first SAR meeting last night


So I made it to my first SAR meeting last night. Now this may seem like no big deal. To me it was huge. I have wanted to so SAR work since I was in high school. I have been employed in public safety also since high school as lifegaurd, EMT and LEO. Thats has been my biggest hurdle. I was a Deputy form from 1994 to 2007. You can't be a volunteer on a Sheriff SAR team and be employed by that same department. It has kinda been a bummer.

I moved out to AZ from CA three years ago and took a job with a PD and not the county. Soon after I looked into getting on the Sheriff SAR team. At the time I was also planning on starting medic school. I was advised that due to the first year traing commitments to maybe finish medic school first. I finished Medic school last month. So yesterday I went to my first meeting.

The team's recruitment is in March. You have to test to be selected. Then if selected, its a year of required training before you make the team. They say at the end of the year training there is a one shot only written and pratical test.

I found the crowd at the meeting to be much different then the public safety (cops and firemen) types I am used to. I am use to a para-military chain of command structure. It was odd to see motions, seconds, discussions and votes. I am excited!
Good for you, OneTime. From your other training and experiences, I think you already know just how rewarding it can be to help someone out. Getting a lost kid home to his grateful and relieved parents is a wonderful, wonderful feeling.

Best of luck!


I've been in SAR for about a total of 10 years now. It can be hard work, but very rewarding. Go for it!:ylsmoke:


If I can add one negative aspect. SAR seems to be affected by politics no matter where you are. It can be a real downer with all the empire building and chest beating. Try stay away from negative vibes if you want to keep your morale up


Thanks guys for the book suggestions. I was driving to work tonight thinking that tonight was the first time in a year that I didnt have anything I needed to study, after passing my medic test Weds. I guess that wont last long. Llooks like I have a bunch of new stuff to learn.


Thanks guys for the book suggestions. I was driving to work tonight thinking that tonight was the first time in a year that I didnt have anything I needed to study, after passing my medic test Weds. I guess that wont last long. Llooks like I have a bunch of new stuff to learn.

As far as learning the knots, get a couple of pieces of 6mm climbing quality rope (about 6' long each). Keep one or both with you and whenever you have idle time for your hands, practice tying the knots so you can do it in your sleep, upside down, in a snow drift with a very large wolf licking your face....

The two pieces become your personal last-ditch prussik slings (very handy).:)


New member
The site that spike posted has helped me learn a few knots. Now...here's the challenge:
For about a week, when you're sitting watching TV, use a short piece of rope and practice the knots until you can tie them without looking at them.

Then, turn off the lights so you can't see the rope and tie it that way.

Put on a pair of thin gloves, and keep trying. You'll notice that it's alot harder to tie knots with gloves.

Put on thicker gloves and try it again. Keep doing this until you can tie them without a problem.

If you really want to get to know them, tie them while you're outside in the snow with your hands cold.

The only reason I say this, is on an advanced high angle rescue course we did almost a year ago, we were subjected to cool, cold, and snowing conditions. It helped to know the knots, but the having gloves on was something to get used to.


New member
Congrat's on the first meeting! Good luck! Remember SAR is about the victim. You'll have a lot of fun, you will sweat, cry, bleed and be sore. Just always keep focused on the victim and you'll be rockin!

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