What do you use for a truck gun?


I don't think "keyholes" is the word you're looking for, key-holing is the oblong hole in the paper caused by a tumbling or unstable bullet. Touching, one ragged hole, cloverleaf, a hole covered by a {insert coin type here}, etc. are more commonly used for close holes. On the other hand, if they are key-holing I'd send the gun back to Ruger so they can fix it.

The reason this post actually caught my eye is that I handled one of the Ruger carbines the other day and really liked it other than the weight. I'm trying to justify buying one (I have no real reason, just thought it was cool) but I probably ought to sell my Sub2000 first- I tried to like it but no, I just don't like Kel-Tecs.
I use the word keyhole to describe one hole that all the bullets are traveling through. If you don’t like this verbiage that is not a concern of mine. This little rifle runs quite well, punches bullets through the same hole, and from my perspective is not too heavy.


New member
Keep a nice 14-round carrying keltec ksg 12ga bullpup shotgun, short length and lots of lead in the tubes 506935


I use the word keyhole to describe one hole that all the bullets are traveling through. If you don’t like this verbiage that is not a concern of mine. This little rifle runs quite well, punches bullets through the same hole, and from my perspective is not too heavy.
FYI, I also read your post also thought “wow, his guy has a rifle that shoots like ********”. ?


do you guys really carry these in your trucks or are you just showing off? no way i'd leave that unattended in my truck.i'd be crying if i had something like that stolen,lets face it,scumbags love breaking into vehicles.my ratty old mossberg cruiser is worth maybe 150 bucks and if it got swiped,oh well.


do you guys really carry these in your trucks or are you just showing off? no way i'd leave that unattended in my truck.i'd be crying if i had something like that stolen,lets face it,scumbags love braking into vehicles.my ratty old mossberg cruiser is worth maybe 150 bucks and if it got swiped,oh well.
I don’t leave any firearms in my vehicles. Around here we have vehicle burglaries on a constant basis, just the other night 4 guns were stolen from vehicles in a single neighborhood. The last thing I want is to arm a criminal.


that's why my shotty stays under the bed in my pop up t/c. i have no intention of getting into a shootout and i don't really need instant access.the only time i did was a deer/car collision and had the euthanize it.it was a pain to get out on the side of the road,but i couldn't leave it there and the lady that hit it was hysterical,especially after the slug to its head.


I dont leave anything in my vehicle overnight, and if I do have to leave it for a short time it is locked in my center console safe. Besides, I dont think I have anything I would consider leaving in there that dont care about.


i carry a big can of bear spray and my kabar in my truck door cubby.if i ever have to blast someone,at least i won't get jammed up because of friendly fire,maybe some tears,but no blood/brains to worry about.
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I like and respect Glocks. Great working gun. Here's an interesting conversion.....

How do you like your Roni? I have one, it just hasn't quite 'stuck' with me yet. I threw my G19 into it and appreciate the increase in accuracy and its relative compact length but it feels bulky.

So then I did this.

And because I have a problem, I decided I wanted to try a 300BLK too so then there is this...(in addition to what I've posted before)

I have issues....


Kapitis Indagatoris
How do you like your Roni? I have one, it just hasn't quite 'stuck' with me yet. I threw my G19 into it and appreciate the increase in accuracy and its relative compact length but it feels bulky.

So then I did this.
View attachment 506979

And because I have a problem, I decided I wanted to try a 300BLK too so then there is this...(in addition to what I've posted before)
View attachment 506980

I have issues....

I don't own a Roni, just found it interesting. Good looking rigs!


I don't own a Roni, just found it interesting. Good looking rigs!
Gotcha, well I have one sitting in the bottom of the safe. I love the concept, and even the execution isn't too bad but something about it doesn't quite work for me. Just a little too bulky/chunky feeling. I recognize that description makes no sense but it is one of those things that on paper and even in pics I really liked-but once I had one and took it for a spin I realized I'd be happier with a dedicated glock mag build.

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