what happened to Sierra4x4 trailer tread.

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The fact of the matter is I don't have time every day, week or month to come here and defend myself on this site. It is more important to spend the time during the day to complete trailer builds, that is the number one item on the list. Yes we don't answer the phones right away, if we did I would never get out of the office.
We have it posted on our site about being busy and to be patient with us, and we are busy completing trailers. This site only contributes about 15% of the sales to give you a idea of our issues this year. I have addresed the back log issue publicly, and we strive on speeding up the builds.


Former Chalet owner
...behind but are getting caught up, sometimes it takes longer then anticipated..

...orders keep flowing in and we are working to get them done as fast as we can....
If I may, a suggestion based on my experience working at a small mfg'er of a unique product, but the place suffered from angry customers. As the front office worker, I took the brunt of the complaints, and sided with the customers over a very simple matter that the boss could have easily recognized if only he understood the true value of his products vs the time it took to make them.

What I did to mitigate the problem was a risky solution that kept the customers reasonably pleased. When the boss told them their product would be available for pick-up in two weeks, I found a way to contact them privately and assure them in the most honest and realistic manner that their product would more likely be available in six weeks. More often than not, they received their products in the span of time I told them, and were pleased to get what they ordered in four to five weeks. They appreciated my honesty about our work capacity and were baffled as to why the boss - who had managed the place for the past 20 years - didn't understand his production limitations, yet a 2-year computer operator like myself could.

This may not apply to you, but if there's any hint that it does, give some strong consideration to one of two things: either stop taking orders altogether, or put production times on these that are beyond the worst case scenario, explaining to each new or potential customer that the situation is what it is. In our case, our product was unique enough that our customers basically couldn't go anywhere else. What they did is adjust their re-sale lead times to match ours, and it basically worked out, though the boss was rather clueless why it did. And they were trusting enough with me and appreciative of my concern for them, that he never found out.

Satisfied customers are the goal. Make them happy, and they recommend your product to their friends. Make them angry with unkept promises or even the appearance of ineptitude, and they tell the world.

My future goal for the products I want to make is to tell my customers that they will get their orders when I am done making them. Period. End of discussion. However, my goal is to deliver a clearly superior product in a period of time that is acceptable to any reasonable person who is familiar with my industry (small run metal castings), and my customers will be my references to assure new customers that my production timetable - or lack thereof - is nothing to fear. For those insisting on delivery within the next two minutes, the alternative is simple. Find another mfg'er able to do that with the same quality. I'm not going to lose sleep over the loss of that sale, because it will probably come right back to me anyway, where the buyer sheepishly says, "well, ok, just let me know when it is finished."

This is the lesson lost on guys like my former boss, a truly unique and valuable product is something where demand outpaces supply, thus the mfg'er is the one driving the delivery timetable, not the customer. If I demand hand-built jewel-like craftsmanship, I pay any price and get on the waiting list ahead of the next guy, patiently waiting for the word that my work of art is done. For anything less than than, I work backwards. A 99 cent hamburger better be ready for me in less than five minutes.


If you put 5% of the effort to post this self serving advertising, you could have responded to your customers. Being a couple weeks behind is one thing, 6 months is disgusting. Being busy is one thing, too busy to notify your customer or take their calls is callous. Promising delivery, over and over and over.... Well I think you get it, but you just don't care.

I own a gun store, I'm a businessman. You shame and hurt all businessmen, not just trailer companies.

I hope you appreciate that your actions have damaged our forum. The division between members will carry on for some time. I really reget the relations compromised by this issue. But I don't regret using this forum to expose a irresponsible / unethical business in the hope of warning others.

It has nothing to do with the forum and I can't see how it has damaged it nor how it has any effect in other businesses and how they operate. A tad dramatic again, all well and good to be concerned for other forumites, as we all have, but there is something personal in your posts, well appears that way.


It has nothing to do with the forum and I can't see how it has damaged it nor how it has any effect in other businesses and how they operate. ...

So it does not taint other businesses? Funny, it was your post that made the point for me.

AT have their delays as well going by the Habitat thread, it happens when you rely on suppliers, communication is the difference.

From your point of view you don't see how the actions of one business, Sierra 4x4; could reflect on other trailer businesses. Why did you drag AT into this? Maybe something personal?



No I don't see that Sierra having issues means that AT will be affected badly by it.

I mentioned AT to illustrate a point that all small manufacturers can easily be affected by outside forces, it's how they manage these unforeseen things that makes or breaks them. AT appear to handle them admirably, Sierra hasn't, going by the purely limited info we have here.

I just don't like seeing someone being crucified for illegal doings as alluded to or other such things when the info given is limited etc.

Yes it appears that his communication skills are lacking with his customers, but that really only seems to be the issue.

Let's hope that this will lead to better things for all involved so we won't need to have these sort of threads


Automotive Artist
What I'd like to know is when Fresno, Woods, and bobdog jumped the shark were they all riding the same motorcycle?

The best response for a business being bullied on the Internet in this fashion is to not partake. Hint, hint. Everything that a potential customer needs to see about Sierra 4x4 Trailers on this particular issue is in the thread.


He delivered the trailer and ate $700 of the shipping costs?
I think the ManOMeter just went up a notch for Sierra Trailers.
He is back on the Forum and communicating......another notch!
Give the guy a break, everyone deserves a second chance in my book!
I know I have **************** in the past, learned my lesson well and come out a better person.



I'm stating my opinion because I'm pissed that these guys got screwed.

I make my living, running an online store. I've had customers complain on forums. Sometimes for stuff that I did and sometimes not. I've always responded and it's always worked out best for my reputation and my customer. When I make a mistake, I do a personal inventory and determine if I deserve to make a profit on a deal. If the need be, I'll take a loss to keep a customer happy. BTW, If a customer calls me about a problem, I'm more inclined to help, as compared to when a customer posts on a forum. I believe these guys have posted out of desperation. They know that it's risky, as Sierra may undeservedly hold it against them. What alternatives do they have? You can't sue to speed up delivery of a trailer.

According to my standards what we've seen here, is reprehensible. Sierra's own apologies have become worthless as time and time again they do not do what they say they are going to. I see no discounts to make up for this Summer, lost for several. He keeps the money and in at least one cases asks for more because he miss-quoted shipping. That's shameless and I can't understand why anybody would defend him. Is it safe to say that 9 out of 10 customers expectations are met by Sierra? If as a community we can agree that this is a conservative number, then 1 out of 10 is getting screwed. That should be completely unacceptable. 1 out of 1000 is completely unacceptable. You pick the number. At least a couple of guys got screwed this Summer.

Internet justice is alive and well and I fully support it. DON'T BE A WENZEL

BTW, I would very much like to change my opinion of Sierra. I encourage Sierra to have their customers start posting here. If we see no future complaints, I'll assume that he's made changes for the better and have addressed their problems.

Now a question for you - Are you defending Sierra? To me a much better question would be, "why would anybody defend Sierra with what has been posted by these customers?"

What I'd like to know is when Fresno, Woods, and bobdog jumped the shark were they all riding the same motorcycle?

The best response for a business being bullied on the Internet in this fashion is to not partake. Hint, hint. Everything that a potential customer needs to see about Sierra 4x4 Trailers on this particular issue is in the thread.
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With all due respect to those that are directly involved here, I am getting a little tired of the constant negativity. There are issues, the OPs will continue to work through them, and future customers should do their homework. I am about a year out from needing a lid for my trailer, and really like the one Sierra put together. Wish I had the cash for an entire rig, but with a lid for my M416 I'd be just as happy. Again, not to minimize true issues, but I for one understood the gist of the posts after the first few, and really don't feel the need to see this thread grow any further. I did however, like the recent videos.

Chris at Sierra - how much lead time would you need for a trailer lid? Like I said, I have time to wait.
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Expedition Leader
It's all good, Chris will soon learn that he will actually lose more profit trying to speed up production to keep up with demand than if he were to cut back on the number of orders he takes, simply because speeding up means paying more employees and for more resources. And of course there are those issues with quality control that get overlooked and will have to be redone when noticed. Good luck to ya though....


Expedition Leader
If you put 5% of the effort to post this self serving advertising, you could have responded to your customers. Being a couple weeks behind is one thing, 6 months is disgusting. Being busy is one thing, too busy to notify your customer or take their calls is callous. Promising delivery, over and over and over.... Well I think you get it, but you just don't care.

I own a gun store, I'm a businessman. You shame and hurt all businessmen, not just trailer companies.

I hope you appreciate that your actions have damaged our forum. The division between members will carry on for some time. I really reget the relations compromised by this issue. But I don't regret using this forum to expose a irresponsible / unethical business in the hope of warning others.

Good point! If he had done this much communication w/ clients from the start w/ sincere apologies this thread and others like it would never have happened.
Just painting a 'happy face' over the whole thing just insult to those folks who had to wait
But hey at least everyone who paid is getting trailers! !! Happy ending ..... the internet worked. Maybe Chris can regain lost reputation.
for all you armchair lawyers out there.....As it was and is 'its just been this dogs opinion'
BobDog out.

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