What happened to the sierra 4x4 thread from yesterday?


I saw a thread, I think yesterday, was interested in reading it but was at work. Can't find it now. Just wondering what happened to it.


I get sucked into it every time.

Best advice I ever received: "When three people have told you that your drunk - lay down."


Hmmm. I don't see a problem with and can understand why these threads would get locked.
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Disabled Explorer
if there is a legit problem, one should have the right to discuss it

I see that the op thread(s) was possibly walking the edge a bit, but still

It seems to me & others here, there is a financial link to the manufacturer & the bad post from such actions or is it just avoiding a lawsuit, dont keep us in the dark

I would rather see the forum support the thread & make sure everything got worked out, than to assume blame on the buyer & delete the thread.

than hearing about the next member heres get the shaft too. this only makes me fear doing business with them all the more

if anyone has the common sense they can discern what is fallacy & truth on their own

its the old art of reading between the lines


I was not the OP of the previous threads. However, I am in a similar situation and wanted to read others experiences. That's all. Thanks.

if there is a legit problem, one should have the right to discuss it

I see that the op thread(s) was possibly walking the edge a bit, but still

It seems to me & others here, there is a financial link to the manufacturer & the bad post from such actions or is it just avoiding a lawsuit, dont keep us in the dark

I would rather see the forum support the thread & make sure everything got worked out, than to assume blame on the buyer & delete the thread.

than hearing about the next member heres get the shaft too. this only makes me fear doing business with them all the more

if anyone has the common sense they can discern what is fallacy & truth on their own

its the old art of reading between the lines
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Well written!

The previous threads that admittedly got a little "hot", also included statements from Sierra 4X4 themselves. These are very important, for anybody considering doing business with them.

if there is a legit problem, one should have the right to discuss it

I see that the op thread(s) was possibly walking the edge a bit, but still

It seems to me & others here, there is a financial link to the manufacturer & the bad post from such actions or is it just avoiding a lawsuit, dont keep us in the dark

I would rather see the forum support the thread & make sure everything got worked out, than to assume blame on the buyer & delete the thread.

than hearing about the next member heres get the shaft too. this only makes me fear doing business with them all the more

if anyone has the common sense they can discern what is fallacy & truth on their own

its the old art of reading between the lines


Expedition Leader
Yes, they are a sponsor. But that's not why the previous threads were closed. The so-called "discussion" turned into a vituperative bear-baiting. The worst offenders were not Sierra 4x4 customers, they were self-righteous trolls. No need for that on ExPo.

We (the moderators) want ExPo to be a place where customers and vendors can have a dialog. We don't want ExPo forums used as a blunt instrument to bludgeon anyone (vendor or customer). The earlier threads went beyond the pale, so they were locked.

In our judgement, the situation is still too highly charged to hope for any rational dialog about Sierra 4x4's problems filling people's orders.


Yes, they are a sponsor. ......

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If you're going to start calling people trolls, you better call out those of which your calling trolls. From what I recall, the worst of any impropriety was defending the indefensible without using facts to back their argument. If that's happening, then please delete any of those posts.

Are you sure that S4X4 is a sponsor? Their description reads "Observer".

I'm going back and changing my previous post. It looks like those threads are still there and have not been deleted. Had to search for Sierra4x4trailer, and they are still there. My apologies to the mods.

Yes, they are a sponsor. But that's not why the previous threads were closed. The so-called "discussion" turned into a vituperative bear-baiting. The worst offenders were not Sierra 4x4 customers, they were self-righteous trolls. No need for that on ExPo.

We (the moderators) want ExPo to be a place where customers and vendors can have a dialog. We don't want ExPo forums used as a blunt instrument to bludgeon anyone (vendor or customer). The earlier threads went beyond the pale, so they were locked.

In our judgement, the situation is still too highly charged to hope for any rational dialog about Sierra 4x4's problems filling people's orders.


Expedition Leader
"If you're going to start calling people trolls, you better call out those of which your calling trolls"

I prefer the praise in public, criticize in private approach. If you review the threads you discovered still exist, it's pretty easy to tell who threw gasoline on the fire just to watch it burn.


"If you review the threads you discovered still exist, it's pretty easy to tell who threw gasoline on the fire just to watch it burn."

It sounds like you're throwing me in with the gasoline crowd so;

Actually, I disagree. I know in my heart, that I wrote, what I wrote, out of empathy for the guys who where S4X4 customers. Yes I was pissed and yes I let it be known. If I crossed a line, please point out where. I'm listening to every argument against what I've written. Where anybody proves me wrong, I'll apologize. My last volley of responses in the previous thread was a point by point fact vs. fact rebuttal. Not a single fact that I stated was challenged and not a single fact that I stated challenged and proven inaccurate.

I'm disgusted that these threads even exist. How ever they must in the name of reputation, honor and standing up to do the right thing.

"I prefer the praise in public, criticize in private approach"

Show me a single post by any S4X4 customer which indicates that they didn't try this first.


New member
Yes, they are a sponsor. But that's not why the previous threads were closed. The so-called "discussion" turned into a vituperative bear-baiting. The worst offenders were not Sierra 4x4 customers, they were self-righteous trolls. No need for that on ExPo.

We (the moderators) want ExPo to be a place where customers and vendors can have a dialog. We don't want ExPo forums used as a blunt instrument to bludgeon anyone (vendor or customer). The earlier threads went beyond the pale, so they were locked.

In our judgement, the situation is still too highly charged to hope for any rational dialog about Sierra 4x4's problems filling people's orders.

Given the reputation of Sierra 4X4 and volume of legit customer complaints it's my opinion it taints the board keeping them on as a sponsor.
Too many great companies to support the board then one taking advantage of trusting customers. Lets face it! Its the members here that really sponsor this forum.
Sierra 4x4 is only going to turn their company around by changing their business practices not having the mods squashing members options and points of views.

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