What is your favorite belt?


Hello all, looking for a little input on belts. I wasn't able to find a thread with what I am looking for. I am curious to know what your favorite belt is for everyday use?

I am looking for a simple black belt that will literally be worn everyday of the year. I need it to be comfortable and flexible while still very durable for when I am working in all kinds of conditions. For the past year I have been wearing a made in china Carhart belt that has held up okay. Its shape is pretty deformed now and the holes are well worn through. I would really like made in USA but will sway for something Ideal.

I have been looking at Topo Designs web belt, but cannot find any reviews.

Any suggestions or tips appreciated! Thanks


I wear 5.11 TDU belts. Light, strong, and no metal if that's ever a concern.

+1 on the TDU. Has been holding up great for a belt that was less than $20. They also offer a version that is a little stiffer if you are looking to carry a holster or other heavy items.


i find the TDU belts to be my favorite, having had them from blackhawk, condor and 5.11, the condor has the best buckle and the webbing is not fraying like the 5.11. I find condor and blackhawk and vertex to be better quality than 5.11. I have been wearing gear from all of them for years working from -30 f in ND in the winter to 130F in the simpson desert in the summer.


Inactive Member
+1 on the TDU. Has been holding up great for a belt that was less than $20. They also offer a version that is a little stiffer if you are looking to carry a holster or other heavy items.

+ Whatever it's up to now.....

I wear the 5.11 TDU every day. I wouldn't call my use heavy duty other than I wear it constantly. I do carry a sidearm with it and no complaints, but I use a paddle holster which I find more comfortable and spreads the weight over more of the belt.

Whatever brand I don't think I'll go back to a leather or some other odd material belt, this nylon webbing is great. I won't go back to a narrow belt either, it doesn't scoot up or down in the loops, no room.

I like it, thin and slick so I don't fuss and fight trying to thread it on or off. Buckle holds well, never had it loosen on me, and no holes so it's always exactly where you want it.


Actually, for comfort and utility, suspenders are best. If I'm laboring indoors or out, I always go with them. I tend to wear cargo pants often and despite all my efforts, my pockets are usually full with various items so unless I set my belt to the point of discomfort, my pants will slip.
Try a cheap pair of Carhartt's. Not the best but for $20, you'll get a feel for them.


Wilderness Tactical Original Instructor Belt



My favorite belt?

Probably Don Julio '42. Just put a little salt around the rim of the shot glass and---

Oh. OK, sorry. The 5.11 Tactical 1.75" is what I use. Only problem is that heavy metal buckle: hit yourself in the head with that and you're gonna be in a coma for a while.

Speaking of comas, can we get back to the Don Julio?


I have worn a Wilderness 5 stitch daily for 11 years other then the Velcro needing replacing its still going strong

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