what to do, what to do?


Been mulling this subject more and more of late, especially since an opportunity to further our real estate interests has presented itself.

The short of it: I've got a largely restored '61 109 and a modded '93 110, the sale of which could make the real estate purchases a little easier on the pocket book.

Pro: Take the cash from the sales and dump it into our long-term RE investment opportunities, thereby reducing our monthly expenses and increasing equity.

Cons: The loss of two beloved vehicles and my ability to enjoy off road experiences.

"Hidden" opportunity: Use some of the cash from the sales of the LRs and get a less valuable/collectable rig to replace them like a modded DII or LR3. (Caveat: I'm partial to LRs.)

I'm simplifying to a great degree here for the sake of brevity. Obviously, there are many other considerations regarding the investments themselves, most of which my wife and I have covered in detail, so I guess what I'm asking for is feedback re: the market for my particular LRs if I sell and for suggestions of a reasonable/suitable replacement (the '03 DII being sold on here would be an example of what I'm thinking about).

Thx for humoring me.


I'm with michaels. Sell the 109 and use that for your cash influx for the real estate. Keep the 110. NAS 110's are not going to get any cheaper. Even with people bring in 1985 D110's, the NAS 110's are still holding value.

Consider the 110 as an investment, and use it as a DD so you get to enjoy it every day.

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
For what it is worth. I have several friends right now that are glad they have their rovers and very glad they got rid of their real estate.
So far, you see a restored 109 selling in the Orvis catalog for 70K, and NAS 110's have seem immune to the current economic downturn.

True, it is is a great time to be a buyer for real estate, but I think great rovers like yours are like money in the bank.

Just my two pennies.



Expedition Leader
As a LR enthusiast I would say sell me the 110. As a former wall st banker and an economist I would say don't invest more in real estate.

If you want to discuss more or want imperial advice when I'm not drunk and in a cab PM or start a thread and I wick explain in depth.



Supporting Sponsor
dare I put this in print...
put the price on each it would take to be acceptable to see the tail lights down the driveway. Sell 'em both, and replace with another '04, as it seems they are holding their own, and won't depreciate like an LR3. Decent DD, minimal cost, very little if any downside. Buy the real estate for your east coast buddies to visit as well, and drive their Rovers over the Rubicon. If the last sentance doesn't take, abstain from the real estate purchase- no model of where this is all heading.
Your codependant friend :victory:


Expedition Leader
The significant factor in all this is financial. I would not part with the 110 for an LR3 if the 110 is working for you. It is likely to be cheaper to own in the long term, even though you are probably bumping that 100k threshold and need a fair amount of maintainence.


Thanks for the feedback, guys.

Using the 110 as a DD is not really a practical option because of my commute. And, to be honest, I really don't want to get rid of it (and probably won't). The 109, however, is becoming expendable, in large part because I just don't drive it enough.

Perhaps I should just leave well enough alone, at least for now. It's looking like we'll be proceeding with the real estate opportunity (despite some of your well-taken remarks). You know how it is, kinda need to bounce stuff around before getting a clear picture of your desires vs. your needs.

When it comes down to it, I think my "codependent friend's" comments are most in line with my current mode of thinking. You, my friend, would be most welcome to use our place when and if the situation presents itself.

If I ever stop hemming and hawing about selling the 109, I'll certainly post it here.

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