Who inspires you?


My dad..who got me into photography in the first place.

Ansel Adams..that needs no explanation.

Aaron Newman (aka Photoman on here): http://aaronnewman.smugmug.com/
- he showed me how to shoot manual modes on my camera and made me see what my camera is really capable of. His pictures always leave me astounded. He also was gracious enough to shoot my wedding and I was thrilled with his work. And now that he has moved on to the Canon world, I have his Olympus E500 body :)

Carol Walker: http://www.livingimagescjw.com/
Pam Nickoles: http://www.nickolesphotography.com/
- as a horse lover their images of horses inspire me, especially the ones of wild horses


César Gómez
without a doubt, Henri Cartier-Bresson




I got this book a month ago, as inspiration and reference for BW images. And I find myself thumbing through it almost everyday. If you like the lake Superior region, he is definitely one of the best in capturing it's raw beauty.

Peter Scott Eide: Edge of Forever


Photographer in the Wild
Cory Rich is great. And the B&W from Peter Scott Eide is very impressive, and our own grntrdtaco has an amazing eye and unique processing skill. Philip Hyde is also one of those oh wow type of photographers.
I used to really keep up with Chase Jarvis but he has been focusing a lot more on other things than photography lately.
Any more I try not to get to wrapped up in any one persons photography. A visit to sites like 500px shows so many amazing photographs and I tend to take a little from each. I am really picky as well, there are a ton of styles out there that i just plain do not care for such as the Bresson image above. Just not my cup of tea. Recently I have been attempting hand blending a lot more and have a 50/50 outcome from them, some I hate some I love.

LR Max

Local Oaf
Who inspires me? My competition.

Nothing like someone competing against you to keep up the pressure.


Awesome find. I love his trip report photos. I wonder what he's carrying for image taking? (SLR or 4/3rds, or what?)

older images were olympus SLR i think, now shooting 5dmark2 with tilt shift lenses and 4x5 for a long time i think.

thats what i could get from reading through his site since i have found it.

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