why skottle?


Hmmm, I think I am being misunderstood.

My reply was complete sarcasm in terms of a reply to the other dude’s sarcasm.

It wasn’t a compliment to him or in any way an agreement.

Nah...I got that it was sarcasm, and I kinda sorta figured you were the type that didn't give a frig about social media and appearances. I'm the same way. There are only four social media type things I participate in - this forum, the "Guns & Rovers" forum, the "Overland Bound" forum (which I'm probably going to leave - too many hipster posser wannabes with more cash than common sense) and Instagram for the Land Rover content. I do look at Tumblr for the political junk and weapons.

All I was getting at is all of those people who do get on social media and act like you're just not serious enough if you don't have the latest and greatest name brand bother me. I'd much rather read a post, like yours, wherein you did it, you made it. I look at posts like yours as inspiration, proof that it can be made, not bought. I love it when guys like you post and pass along their knowledge.

So...I hope I didn't offend you, that wasn't the intention. The intention was to say I prefer your type of post over those others.

Other than that you and I seem to see eye-to-eye on a lot. I really enjoy doing exactly as you state. Love to go old school with gear and such as well. Like you said "to each their own".


Active member
I have seen large "Mecican woks" for sale at flea markets. Would those work? ... steel ... aluminum ....

yes those are what we're talking about

just custom made for your cooking pleasure

they are very good quaity steel virtually no matter where they're made

..... I guess there's an advantage to the shape with keeping the center hot and the edges warm. ... might not lend itself necessarily to American classics like eggs and pancakes. ,,, certainly not something that is be-all-end-all.

primary cooking IS done in the center while keeping the edges hot to keep food from cooling off before bending into the whole dish

CORRECT 'taint worth a hoot for fried eggs n pancakes ...

butt great for MIGAS where the sausage n veggies are pre-cooked then stirred into the eggs as seen in my pics above

there is NO "BE ALL END ALL" cooking tool whether it be a vessel fork spatula or spoon...

just use a wooden(oak maple bois d'arc or any other good hard wood) paddle for your stirrin' to keep from scraping the seasoning off



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Hmmm, I think I am being misunderstood.

My reply was complete sarcasm in terms of a reply to the other dude’s sarcasm.

It wasn’t a compliment to him or in any way an agreement.

I don’t give a **** if it got a like, in fact if I were that dude I’d recognize that and delet that thumbs up crap.

I don’t have any accounts be it Facebook, instagram or whatever the hell, and I never have and don’t imagine I ever will.

I do make stuff to feel good about the fact I can make it so posting pics here is a way to get accolades, yes, but it’s more about the fact I like to show others that these abilities come from within so if I see an idea I like I weigh if I want to pony up the dough or make it myself to show others it is possible and I have the vision and talent to do so, and hopefully that inspires someone to try it themselves, especially if the costs are intimidating.

You all enjoy your social media stuff, and more power to you, but this site and a couple others are as far as mine goes, and as evidenced to me by what the other dude posted, I’m only so like-minded.

I didn’t make **** to look like anyone, in fact looking like an overlander in Seattle has the tendency to get you flipped off by some millennial in a Prius. That’s okay, that’s their thing.

I do what I do and build what I can because I have the talent to do so and I get enjoyment from building it as well as using it. It’s the self sustaining mentality that things can be made for a lifetime of enjoyment or they can be bought to try to keep up with the Jones’s.

To each their own. Just don’t act all smug like I do anything to look a certain way, that’s just the mark of an **************, and is too common in this world and isn’t at all necessary.

Talk about misunderstood. It's like you didn't even read what he wrote.


I use a pan. A non stick pan that I got at a thrift store for $2, they were all out of the $1 pans.
This skottle thing is just another object to carry and find a place for. ...and the idea about if I don't have the latest 'thing' to carry around and shout out 'look at me' that I am not labeled an overland is just a bunch of crap.
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Talk about misunderstood. It's like you didn't even read what he wrote.
As I have been known to do I likely overreacted so I apologize that I came off like a ********. Correus, if you got the idea I was going after anything you said, not the case. It was directed at the dude who I feel tried to take a shot at anyone who hops on the bandwagon simply to look the part.

In that regard, our values seem right in line with each other


As I have been known to do I likely overreacted so I apologize that I came off like a ********. Correus, if you got the idea I was going after anything you said, not the case. It was directed at the dude who I feel tried to take a shot at anyone who hops on the bandwagon simply to look the part.

In that regard, our values seem right in line with each other



New member

I bought a disc from a farm implement store, had a friend plug the hole and place mine on one of these butane type stoves I won years ago. Works just fine for cooking the ways suggested above.


@laxtoy , please keep posting your comments and builds. Its awesome to see how you constructed it and that it works well. You pieced it together for like 10% of tembo tusk. That being said, as a consumer we tend to pay a premium for convenience and packaging so for some that is worth it. Thanks for sharing and I think everyone was just trying to be funny.

I have seen the skottle in the field and it seems cool and can cook a lot of food but does seem a bit limiting as well. The slant can be a blessing and a curse for sauces or soft food.


what are the benefits of a skottle over just a frying pan or cast iron skillet? seems to be a rather expensive setup for a burner and frypan!?!
it's an expensive name for a big wok.
We use a big wok on a coleman stove, does everything you do with a skottle (we didn't even knew it has an aristocrat cousin..)


I feel like it’s a lot more effective than a wok on a stove, for several reasons, but this is truly a matter of preference, so to each his own

1. It doesn’t take up the stove space that is usually going to other pots either boiling water or making sauces, etc, BUT, what really kicks ass is the burner ring on the bottom actually fits over a burner on the stove and is very stable, and in fact fits over the burners on the gas range top at home, so it doesn’t have to be set up in legs, it actually functions as a wok on the stove too.

2. It is very stable, and a lot of times a big pot/pan/wok on a stove set on a table on uneven ground may not be.

3. It uses such minimal gas with the little burner- I generally keep the heat down to keep from scorching food or baking it into the skottle, so it becomes a very efficient way to cook.


I dont have a skottle, and can't currently justify the cost but it seems the low profile and the legs would be very convenient. There are tons of options it's neither better nor worse than a cat iron pan. Cost is a consideration for me.


I dont have a skottle, and can't currently justify the cost but it seems the low profile and the legs would be very convenient. There are tons of options it's neither better nor worse than a cat iron pan. Cost is a consideration for me.

I couldn’t justify the cost either, that’s why I made my own. This isn’t a new idea really at all, as others stated the concept of the skottle has been around for a long time, called a discada, a cowboy wok or other, it’s basically a big wok. It does kick ass being able to cook on it, leave it dirty sitting out for a couple days, then when you wanna come back to it you just clean it with water in the heated surface and boils off the crud, reoil it and you’re good to go.

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