Windows Phone 8


Expedition Leader
Microsoft plans to release a new version of Windows Phone this Fall, coinciding with the release for Windows 8 for desktop, laptop and tablet computers. The release will be called Windows Phone 8.

Microsoft met with developers today to describe the updated phone OS. Core elements of Windows Phone 8 will be shared with the PC version. Microsoft says this will make developing apps for both platforms easier.

The bad news is that Windows Phone 8 will have different hardware requirements than the current version of Windows Phone. So if you're currently using a phone that runs on Windows Phone OS, you will not be able to upgrade when the new OS is released. Boo!

So far, Windows 8 for tablets has been shown on devices that have 10 or 11 inch displays. It will be interesting to see if Microsoft wants Windows Phone 8 to be used on devices larger than cell phones. The 1280x768 pixel screen that's baked into Windows Phone 8 would work fine as a 7 inch tablet, for example.

So it looks like Microsoft wants developers to create three versions of their apps: One for Windows 8 running on Intel processors, a second version of Windows 8 RT for tablets running on ARM processors, and a third running on phones under Windows Phone 8, also on ARM processors.

Not sure this strategy makes sense. iOS and Android run the same code on both phone and tablet. ????


Expedition Leader
The bad news is that Windows Phone 8 will have different hardware requirements than the current version of Windows Phone. So if you're currently using a phone that runs on Windows Phone OS, you will not be able to upgrade when the new OS is released. Boo!

Lol, so much for their ads about "don't be a beta tester"

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