Windproof/Stormproof Lighters

Sean VHA #60013

Correction-$28 at Overstock. And they have one less to sell y'all. Not as cool as the yellow but for half the price, same lighter.

Thanks for the info re: Overtock's pricing - I just ordered two of them :coffeedrink:

I am going to Arizona in January & am going to be in Phoenix & Flagstaff, and this lighter looks like a good companion for the trails at McDowell Mountain in Phoenix & the ski slopes in Flagstaff.


Isn't it great we have forums like this so we can find the best prices on things we could totally live without...sorry I think my wife got ahold the computer.



Went over the top of my waders at 2 degrees F. this weekend duck hunting and nearly chucked my high priced Windmill Delta when I could not get a piece of toilet paper soaked in firestarter going. Lucky that I had stashed a couple of boxes of storm matches in my possibles kit, they made short work of building a blaze. I think I will save my fancy lighter for cigars.


New member
Depends on your use. I have a couple of different versions of the higher end ones. However, as cool as they look, I always carry a $1 bic as a back-up. And if I am in the mountains.... a bic is all I will trust and carry. And most of my trips are spent at higher elevations.... So that is really all I carry....

I have heard some have had good luck with good old fashioned Zippo's at higher elevation. But, I just have experience with using windproof plasma lighters.

Good luck.

I also have a plasma lighter that is safer and more environmentally friendly than a propane lighter. Especially the double arc lighter, its firepower is more powerful than the single arc lighter. After charging once, its battery lasts for two weeks and is very economical.


Expedition Leader
Zombie thread! Not even sure where my fancy lighters are these days. Bic in a baggie, stormproof matches in a plastic case and a fire steel. I toss an old propane torch that screws onto the 1# cylinders in the back if I'm taking charcoal.

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