WNLRR - Sedoana?


Leaving the Sacramento area in a couple hours and heading to Sedona for the WNLRR. We're detouring south to run up Back Way to Crown King tomorrow about noon. Any of you planning to be there? We should have my LR3 + a couple DIIs rolling together from Palm Desert starting tomorrow morning and expect 4 or 5 more rigs at camp. Look for the NCLR banner/flags at the rally and come by to shoot the breeze or enjoy a beverage. We'll also be on 146.460 if you're on ham.


Leaving the Sacramento area in a couple hours and heading to Sedona for the WNLRR. We're detouring south to run up Back Way to Crown King tomorrow about noon. Any of you planning to be there? We should have my LR3 + a couple DIIs rolling together from Palm Desert starting tomorrow morning and expect 4 or 5 more rigs at camp. Look for the NCLR banner/flags at the rally and come by to shoot the breeze or enjoy a beverage. We'll also be on 146.460 if you're on ham.

I wish I could get free. Keep in mind it's raining like crazy up there. The road could be either pretty fun or not passable. There are a couple spots were the creek can washout the road entirely.



I'll be there, arriving to the staging area tomorrow afternoon-ish from Pasadena. I think there will be about 10-15 SCLR members total joining in. Should be fun. I have heard 140 vehicles total, so our AZ friends must be showing up in droves.


I think it was an extremely well organized rally, and look forward to the next one in a couple of years (Northern California is rumored to host it next?) 140 Land Rovers of all ages and sizes from 12+ states, owners - many with families and friends - in a festive mood, a stunningly beautiful location and perfect weather, huge variety of trails headed by competent trail leaders, and plenty of fun in-camp activities before and after. What more could you ask for? I only saw smiling faces all around during the 3 days I spent there. Hiccups were minimal and the AZ hosting club deserves huge thanks for pulling off a memorable 4-day event, they set the standard very high for the next hosts. And Bill Burke classed up the joint even more. ;-)


Had a chance to chat with Umberto a couple of times during the event. Norcal had 8 trucks on hand. We did suffer a few trials as I broke a rear control arm on the LR3 (easily fixed when a helpful AZ member shuttled a part up from Scottsdale) and we cut a couple sidewalls which we were able to patch. Then one truck had his newly installed ignition rotor fail and we ended up having to drive to Phoenix yesterday for the part so I'm still on the road headed home.

The rumor that Norcal will host next is just that -a rumor started by the AZ guys looking fr an excuse to trade the desert for some redwoods and sequoias and the Rubicon. While we would love to do it we're a small club with about 80 members and it would be incredibly difficult for us to live up to the standard set by AZ.




Thanks for pointing out the broken link, psykokid. Fixed now.
I heard the saying at the rally: "the vehicles get us together but it's the people who make it great."
Something like that. Anyhow, it was a great weekend, and great to see new and old friends.

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