pew pew
lol rack em up!
Aaaaaannnddd that's three!
You should start your own street side recovery and bill those you pullout haha
I'm really starting to consider it! Gotta factor in vehicle and tire wear, ya know.
Getting more snow. We'll have a solid 14 inches by the weekend. Pretty intense. I'm thinking my bumper ain't showing up today like it's supposed to. The weather has probably slowed it down. I guess we'll see what happens. Might just have to go get it if it makes it here.
Of course. It's all part of the standard charges!
yikes 14"?! Sounds like fun, but careful out there. We're enjoying sunny days and slightly cold nights here. Rain is near non-existent. More like spotty drizzle and it's gone. I really miss the rain...
now you have TWO winch bumpers on/in your truck, I think that's a liiiiiitle excessive :elkgrin:
At least you don't have California drivers who freak out with a bit of drizzle. I swear when it starts to drizzle, people forget how to drive even worse that they already have. Makes me so angry how idiotic people really are.
You better mount that one to the ARB!! DOUBLE protection and DOUBLE winch, because you never know.
I suggest putting the ARB on the back, what could go wrong?
At least the snorkel, bumper, and lights make it look like you know what you're doing, wish I had that! Jk man, looks good, and good to hear you're doing good for other people too. Do you get paid for these rescues?
I like looking the part! Haha it definitely turns heads and I catch some envious glares from people when I cruise by them in these conditions.
And nope, I refuse to accept any money for that sort of help. I'm just happy I can help out. It's the right thing to do.
Well good on youI figure that's our societal toll to pay for the poor mpg and increased pollution of 4x4s hahaha