WreckDiver1321's 2003 Frontier CC SC



Now, prepare for a whole different kind of adventure: Wedding Planning :Wow1:

....and you thought building trucks was expensive.

Thanks Ryan! I'm up for it and totally ready.

Here's the caveat: My folk's wedding was in the $3000 range. And my bride to be is simple (what my mom calls "low maintenance"). Like my mother.

Not even a little bit worried. :)


Congrats ... great story right there; enjoy the ride and savor the moments as they come ... not that you aren't already, in fact it sounds like you very much are. Thanks for sharing it with us.


Merry Christmas everybody!



I just ordered a few parts.

Two of these: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0006NC6AI/ref=s9_simh_gw_p328_d0_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0ENA78EPFS6SGCH0T888&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1688200382&pf_rd_i=507846

And two of these: http://www.comp4x4.com/Tire-Carrier-Hinge-Kit-Dual-Shear-Face-Mount.html


I have a design drawn out and ready to go, a friend who can fabricate just about anything, and a buddy who will give me free powder coating. Just need to pay for raw materials and sandblasting. :)


Expedition Leader
Nice you and Parts-flying are leading the way on rear bumpers. Lots of the Taco guys have built up some cool rear bumpers but few 1st gen frontiers. Can't wait.


Nice you and Parts-flying are leading the way on rear bumpers. Lots of the Taco guys have built up some cool rear bumpers but few 1st gen frontiers. Can't wait.

You and me both. The base design is dead simple. A 64" chunk of 2x5 rectangular tubing with a couple of hinges and latches. We have both swing-outs completely designed and thought out. Just need to go around buying steel now. I'm hoping to shake up some of that one-sidedness.


So I spent the last week up in Seeley Lake, MT, just in time for 3 days of snow. Luckily for us, my parents recently bought some new Polaris snowmobiles, so we got to get out and play. :D

I also got to test out my new Atlas 1230 snowshoes on some of the trails out there, which was a lot of fun.

I'll upload pics shortly. It also looks like we're going back next weekend for the annual Seeley Lake Pond Hockey tournament. :) Life in the mountains is just better.


Spent the day buying steel. 2" X 5" 3/16 wall rectangular tubing is a bugger to find. But I managed to get everything I was looking for, although I needed to hit up 2 steel places to find it. So I'm all set to get my bumper build underway... sort of.

I ordered a set of 5" tall hinges from Comp4x4. I got them on Saturday and I just found out they're actually the 4" hinges. I called them up and they are sending out the new hinges no questions asked. All they said was to box up the old set in the new packaging and return to sender. Now that's service. I was very impressed. Which is fantastic, because after holding one of their products I can tell you they are very stout and very well done. Excellent fabrication parts.


So my recent trip into the Montana mountains was done without the Frontier. We loaded up my fiancee's Forester and made the drive up with our dogs to my parents' home in Seeley Lake. Luckily for us, we showed up just before several days of pretty intense snowfall. Lucky for us because my dad recently got some new Polaris snowmobiles, an Indy 550 and RMK 600. We got plenty of opportunity to go and run through the mountains on these, and it was great fun. I also got a chance to test out my new Atlas 1230 snowshoes that my grandfather bought me as a Christmas present, while Beret got to test out the snowshoes I bought for her.

The drive up was uneventful, and the night we got there I was able to jump on the Indy and try out a snowmobile for the first time in my life.

Seeley Lake is kind of a unique town. During the summer, it's a normal thing to see as many 4 wheelers and side by sides cruising up and down the main road as cars. In the winter, the town actually grooms a snowmobile trail that runs near the main road so people can just take their sleds everywhere instead of their cars. So much fun. It's actually pretty handy because there are trails that just lace the entire area that are only minutes from the main drag. These trails are 4 wheeler trails in the summer and snowmobile trails in the winter.

Our first full day there, we decided to try some snowshoeing at Holland Lake. That's where this picture was taken:

Here's how it looks during the winter:

The lake was frozen over solid and had several holes from people ice fishing. Believe it or not, it's actually pretty common to see fires lit out on the ice during ice fishing trips. It and the surrounding landscape were covered in a pretty healthy layer of snow. We really appreciated the snowshoes.

The next day we hit the trails with the sleds. The learning curve on them isn't too bad, and it didn't take long for me to feel comfortable. Along one of the trails, we encountered this:

This once beautiful Xterra Pro-4x had been driven too fast and slid off the trail into the trees, where it now rests until warmer weather. I feel no sympathy for the driver here. Once the snow sets in, all of these trails are closed off to any wheeled vehicles, so nothing except snowmobiles, dogsleds, snowshoers, or cross country skiers are allowed out on the trails. This wreck was rather recent, and they shouldn't have been there in the first place. By looking at the tracks it is easy to see that the driver was unprepared for the tighter corner and drifted too wide, driving off the road. Such a sad circumstance for this Xterra.

On the upside, we got to experience this view near the top.

I love the mountains in the winter. There are fewer places more beautiful or more peaceful. During a stop along the trail, we had a moment to look at the way mother nature was presenting herself.

Although it's difficult to tell, there is a pretty good 2-3 feet of snow covering the landscape here. Step just six inches off the beaten trail and you're in snow above your knees. I am saying that from first hand experience. :elkgrin: Happened to me trying to take this pic.

After a long day of riding, the sun started going down and we headed back to the house to warm up. The next day we tried to make our way up the mountains to see more views. What we got was breathtaking.

Beret was having a pretty good day.

Until she managed to do this.

She tried turning around by going up this hill. The snow was kind of soft and sticky, which made her lose momentum. Then, to my dismay, she just applied full throttle and I watched the track eat its way into the snow. To add to the difficulty, she puts it n reverse and succeeds in burying the track under the snow. I have much to teach her, apparently. :D

It took us quite a while to dig her out, but we eventually made it. By that time we were getting low on gas (it's a long trail) and decided to head out. It was a nice ride.

Beret got sick the next few days and that slowed our pace. I got out on the trails a final time, but not for too long. I also got out snowshoeing one last time. Overall, it was a great trip and I am lucky to have access to such fun. We are planning to return on Friday to watch the annual Seeley Lake Pond Hockey tournament. Hopefully we can hit the trails again.


OH MY GOSH!!!! It's my Hardbody and Nik's Frontier haha!! We have been trying to catch ya at school and talk to ya about your pickup!

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