WTB: Engel MT-45


Looking for an MT-45 to replace my Waeco because it meets my size requirements better than others on the market currently. If you have the slide for it, I'm interested in that as well. Figure I'd see if anyone is looking to upgrade before buying new. PM me with price and details. Thanks!


Rendezvous Conspiracy
There is a place on Trade st in Mira Mar X Cabot dr. that sells them could save ya on shipping charges. I think it is called the Beverage Factory.


..I bought my baskets from them in person..:D

..Give them a call first before you head over and make sure they have it in stock..Even if their webpage says they have it, they may not and if that is the case, it will come in from Florida..;)


There is a place on Trade st in Mira Mar X Cabot dr. that sells them could save ya on shipping charges. I think it is called the Beverage Factory.

Thanks for the heads up... that store is about a mile from my house. Save on shipping indeed.

Has MARFORCOMWIFEPAC authorized this unscheduled expenditure within the enterprise?


I've received conditional comptroller approval as long as it will end the stoppage on the interior contract (read: her comfort).

Dave Bennett


I've received conditional comptroller approval as long as it will end the stoppage on the interior contract (read: her comfort).

Outstanding. Might as well add solar to the order before the next round of budgetary continuing resolution is enacted.


Thanks for the heads up... that store is about a mile from my house. Save on shipping indeed.


I've received conditional comptroller approval as long as it will end the stoppage on the interior contract (read: her comfort).

Well it's about time! The workforce has been lingering on this "Shovel-ready project" for too long!


Rendezvous Conspiracy
Glad to help out. And Mitch I got my console stuff figured out. The only thing in the tundra is my dash steering wheel and drivers seat. Redoing the radio command center and putting in a remote A-9 head in the rear with a telephone style hand set. Should be nice when finished,.
Thanks for the heads up... that store is about a mile from my house. Save on shipping indeed.


I've received conditional comptroller approval as long as it will end the stoppage on the interior contract (read: her comfort).


Glad to help out. And Mitch I got my console stuff figured out. The only thing in the tundra is my dash steering wheel and drivers seat. Redoing the radio command center and putting in a remote A-9 head in the rear with a telephone style hand set. Should be nice when finished,.

Awesome! Can't wait to see it...

When I do, I have a rather funny drop dead serious story to tell you about Motorola's new radios....

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