"WYOMING OVERLANDING" And other life expeditions!


Navigator of life
Looking forward to spending a month in Wyoming next summer with our fam. I will be driving the Cruiser out from Florida. Pickup up wife and kids in Idaho falls and work our way over to the Blackhills. Route planning now.

You could spend days at Yellowstone. Jackson is good for a couple days, especially if you choose to rent a raft and make some trips down the river. Cody is a cool town. The Buffalo Bill Cody Museum is nice. They have a huge gun collection. Of course you gotta see the Tetons, and check out Ten Sleep if you get a chance. And the dirt roads are endless, It will surly be an awesome trip!


Learning To Live
You could spend days at Yellowstone. Jackson is good for a couple days, especially if you choose to rent a raft and make some trips down the river. Cody is a cool town. The Buffalo Bill Cody Museum is nice. They have a huge gun collection. Of course you gotta see the Tetons, and check out Ten Sleep if you get a chance. And the dirt roads are endless, It will surly be an awesome trip!

And Thermop is a great place to get your first and only speeding ticket ! :sombrero:
Wow, 22 years go by fast!


Navigator of life
And Thermop is a great place to get your first and only speeding ticket ! :sombrero:
Wow, 22 years go by fast!

YES! When they post 35 MPH they mean it! We have gotten used to the spots the troopers hide. But we see people getting ticketed all the time, especially in the summer. My wife got stopped doing 70 in a 65 on the way to Worland. The 70MPH sign was just a hundred yards ahead and visible from where she pulled over! lol


I haven't been in Thermopalis since 1974. A friends brother was up there playing in band in the armory building. Think Tower of Power style of music. Long trip. the sun had been up for hours by the time we got back to Greeley


This is totally cool. I would love to do this, but my wife said "go ahead and build your cabin in our back yard and you can live in it". I'm half tempted to, knowing i can come over to her house and do laundry and have a hot meal. lol


Navigator of life
This is totally cool. I would love to do this, but my wife said "go ahead and build your cabin in our back yard and you can live in it". I'm half tempted to, knowing i can come over to her house and do laundry and have a hot meal. lol
That is awesome! Usually getting permission from the wife is the toughest part.


That is awesome! Usually getting permission from the wife is the toughest part.

My friends bought 35 acres above Carter Lake and decided to build a big house. 48 windows as I recall We finally got it done and Ron decided to fix up the little house. His wife walked in, looked around and asked why they built the big house. She said she would have been happy living in the little house.
I like that lady,


New member
Looks like the adventure!

Is the fencing to keep goats out, or in? Goats are masters of escape, ours could open a latched gate with ease, as kids could levitate to the top of a truck hood.
Wondrous to observe but for the damage inflicted by hooves & eating.


Navigator of life
Looks like the adventure!

Is the fencing to keep goats out, or in? Goats are masters of escape, ours could open a latched gate with ease, as kids could levitate to the top of a truck hood.
Wondrous to observe but for the damage inflicted by hooves & eating.

The fence is primarily to keep the deer and antelope out of our garden. The goats have already proven to us once that they will come and go as they please.


New member
Hello from Southern Michigan

As summer starts to come to an end it became time to start thinking about work again. My next assignment would take us to southern Michigan. Typically we would jump on the interstate (I80 or I90) and get to our destination asap. Not this time. I was inspired by Kennyj here on Expo. He had just traveled US RT 20 and the whole time I was reading about his travels I was telling myself, I gotta see that. So...we did.
Loaded up ready to go!

Where do / did you find yourself in southern Michigan? I am living in Sturgis Michigan which is south of Kalamazoo; south of Grand Rapids.


Navigator of life
Where do / did you find yourself in southern Michigan? I am living in Sturgis Michigan which is south of Kalamazoo; south of Grand Rapids.
I am working at the Fermi Nuclear Power Plant in Monroe, Michigan. I am a pipefitter/welder by trade, but do mostly supervision work now, and the majority of that is in Nuclear Power. It is cool because we get to travel a lot and see many places. We especially like discovering local food spots, and learning the history of the area.


New member
If you find time to do it you should travel to our north country. Michigan is very different as you travel north and across the Mighty Mac; very woodsy with lots of un-maintained county roads. Perfect for off-road exploring.


I live just over the mountain. If you venture up into the Horns at all, let me know. I am working on a "Montana to Kaycee" trip over 3 or 4 days. Starting up north of bucking mule falls and ending up in Kaycee, via Shell and Mayoworth.

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