Zaphod's Mod Thread...


Expedition Leader
Very good job and nice write up. I think the hex wrench you need to get the outer hub assy. off is 8mm, and I want to say 5mm for the inner. I learned that from the whole axle fiasco. I am going to be installing manual hubs in the very near future.


Thanks for the write-up - it helped me out putting mine in last weekend.

The only thing I can think to add is that the torque spec on the hex bolts that mate the inner body to the hub is 48 ft. lbs. for the stock hubs, so that is what I torqued the new ones to.

EDIT - heh heh - I wasn't smart enough to read/notice that I didn't have to take the wheel off - I'm an observant one, aren't I?? Well, at least I got some practice jacking the thing up...
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Yes, friends! I added another mod today! (Took me long enough...)

Today I took advantage of the fact that I felt my startup cranking was sounding a little weak, so I sprung for one of these:


Optima Deep Cell. Remember, I plan on adding lights to this bad boy eventually. :D

I also replaced the stock foglight bulbs with Sylvanias. MUCH better!

A few weeks ago I foolishly left my truck unlocked in my driveway and some subhuman vermin stole everything in it. As such, I replaced the stereo with a newer model of Alpine (the original one sucked anyway), and since I had the dash all opened up I also installed the remote display for my Valentine 1 (It now resides in that otherwise useless little cubby just to the left of the steering wheel.), voltmeter and oil pressure gauges (just like I'm sure you've seen on Vovkus' rig on PlanetIsuzu) and an extra power port. As soon as I have some pictures I'll post them.

Next up will be the heat shield for my Calmini cone filter, and then perhaps a roof rack and lights. Oh, I also still have to install my Midland CB.


Cool! I've had the Red Top for about 6 months now, and so far, so good.

Since the Alpine takes care of your CD player, are you gonna mount the CB in the din-space below the radio? That is where I want to put one, but I want to find a one-din sized CB that has a front-firing speaker...


Alpine CDA-9856:


While it does have a CD player inside the head unit, I never use it as I have my iPod wired directly to it. MUCH better! :jumping:

Another minor complication is that the frame that comes with the stereo, when attached, prevents the head unit's faceplate from rotating open for me to insert a CD. I suppose I could make an adjustment next time I open the dash, but it's really not that big a priority for me. I kinda like the moore flush look anyway. Again, pics will post when I get them.

As for the CB, I've got the Midland 79-290:


It fits into the DIN slot under the radio (it's eventual home), but isn't wide enough. As such, I'm going to have to come up with some kind of moulding or trim to cover the sides. I also have to figure out a way to mount the thing in a manner that will allow me to remove it later should I need to, so just double-sided-tape mounting it is not an option (besides, there is no room vertically to slide the unit in then down onto the tape).

As for the speaker, I'm going to have to get an external one since the unit has it's speaker on the bottom, and it will be completely covered. I'll most likely mount the speaker in the dash just in front of my right knee.

Of course, if anyone happens to know of a real single-DIN CB radio with the speaker in front, I'm all ears. It's been almost a year since I did the research, so I reckon there are some new models out there.

One rather evil feature I'd be curious to see about is an amplifier for the CB. I recognize that they are illegal, but I'd want to wire it so I could keep it turned off for routine use but turn it on for emergencies when I REALLY needed to reach someone and getting a ticket would be the least of my worries. The problem is that I don't know a damned thing about installing or operating CB's, and even the great information on the Firestik website goes over my head like the space shuttle. :(


Expedition Leader
bootzilla said:
I want to find a one-din sized CB that has a front-firing speaker...

Check out my mod thread. The Cobra that I have has a front speaker and fits perfectly in that spot. I picked it up at Wal-Mart for around $65 I think. Very easy to install and the speaker puts out enough sound that it can be easily heard. Here is a pic of it installed in my truck.
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I'll be damned! I'd seen that one before and forgotten about it!

I went with the Midland because it has sideband and WX bands. Don't know entirely what sideband means, but I'll admit I do like having options. Don't ask me what I paid for mine, though. :mad:

Otherwise I hard wired it to the fuse block...

Whazzatmean? :confused:
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From DaTrupr's thread:

expeditionswest said:
My first investment would be OME firm shocks and heavy rear springs. It will transform the vehicle on the road and trail. And all for about $400 :)

I tried looking up those shocks and springs, but I only found these. Are these the ones you mean?

Also, does OME or anyone else make replacement springs for Troopers that do NOT add lift? My truck (unlifted, but with 32" tires vice stock 29" ones) is as high as I want to take it (I think).

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Expedition Leader
Those are not the shocks I am looking at. Rocky Road has the complete set (4 Shocks & 2 Springs) all for just over $400. The shocks are not the resevoir set up though. As far as replacement springs? I don't know about aftermarket that does not add lift, but I am sure there are some out there somewhere. The OME set up only adds about 1.25" of lift, and with your tires you are only about a total of 2" higher than stock. Not much of a differance.


Expedition Leader
I don't think the OME 912 springs add much height, especially with some gear in there.

I would definitely consider the OME firm shocks. I currently have the Rancho Trooper shocks and extension/compression is a perfect match for a stock truck, but not a lifted one. If you are going with OME springs, stick with their shocks too.


Expedition Leader
This is a silly question, but what exactly is stock height? I measure about 18.75" from the top of the stock Isuzu hub to the bottom of the fender flare with a reasonable load (gear, not people) with the 919 springs.


Well, I have some things that concern me:

1) I don't off-road much (not yet, anyway). I don't anticipate doing much in the near future, either, but I will have to deal with snow. As such, do I NEED a lift? Not really.

2) The moderate lift provided by the tires alone (1.5") SEEMS to have been enough to address anything I see having to handle in the forseeable future. Additionally, getting into and out of my truck is already a bit problematic for small kids and older folks. Not a big deal for off-road, but a bit of a problem for a daily driver (which it is, at least for now).

3) Since this IS a daily driver, I have some concerns over looks (shallow, I know, but there it is). I don't want to be driving something that just looks rediculously out of place on the roads.

Any suggestions, then?

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