ZebraSports finished with Spinal cord retreat


it was a great weekend of learning and interaction for all! It turns out my computer liked being plugged in more than battery power... hmmm.
Both Darol and I had a great turnout for our combined effort on outdoor exploration by demo'ing our tent set-ups, I wish I would have had a second RTT on a trailer for people to try... most people know what happened there!
(if you want to know PM me I'll tell you...)
a few people got up into mine and we took some people out on rides with the offroad handcycles. including three creek crossings and a few very steep rocky slopes. I actually pulled the rare turtle menuever and rolled mine over and landed with a large rock in the middle of my back... with some teamwork I was able to right my ride and get back on and continue up the hill. I was glad I was in the middle because the #3 guy came up behind and became a large wheel chock as I transfered from ground to bike. By the end of the ride I had not lost much blood so we went out again!
We had about 40-45 camper and 35 volunteers! it was amazing! there was animal interaction, adapted horse back riding, and stargazing last night with the elk and deer was incredible.
Next year we are adding the ever popular SedonaFest activity of GPS challenge!
Look forward to more ZebraSports events in the future.
I will have pictures as soon as some people send them to me, I still have no camera...


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Great work, especially risking your own blood!
Can't wait to see some pics!

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