alaskan camper on flatbed


New member
yes I put 4x4 posts ( actually 2 2x4's screwed together) under the cmper jack brackets and bolted it to the floor in 4 spots, will soon add two more.
P/S I added 2x6 "trex" style 'plastic wood under the plywood floor.
Another issue will be weather proofing the plywood sides.
I plan on putting weatherguard or other manufacturer hi side boxes as soon as i get some.
while this will be alot like the utility box setup, and my center of gravity is higher, I hope to gain better clearance in the rear with the flatbed, and I'm working with what I've got.
My setup is still a bit "mickey mouse" I did slightly tweak (read damage) my doorway just by moving it pre reinforcement about 90 freeway miles (some curvy) mostly fixed.
Since reinforcement I did some pretty "gnar" offroad camping, and all is well except for the curry and glass and, well most everything that fell out of the cabinets because my 1990 Alaskan has some very cheesy indeed cabinet knobs.
I'll try and get pix up, or too you.
technology has sure made my lazy, got to get the pix from my phone to the computer, I guess mailing a daguerreotype via pony express would have been more involved.


i found it, thank you.

i'm going to be bolting the camper through the deck of the flatbed, since that's one of the requirements for converting my 1 ton commercial registration to rv registration, thus saving me a coupla hundred bucks every year.
if i use the same type of mounting as you did on all 4 corners, with rollerblade wheels, would i still need the turnbuckles? i would rather not have to use them because i really want to build some boxes to go under the overhangs, and they just get it the way.
my flatbed is mounted solidly to the rear of the frame, and the middle and front mounting points are going to be of the floating variety.

Mine is bolted, without issues.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


New member
yes I put 4x4 posts ( actually 2 2x4's screwed together) under the cmper jack brackets and bolted it to the floor in 4 spots, will soon add two more.
P/S I added 2x6 "trex" style 'plastic wood under the plywood floor.
Another issue will be weather proofing the plywood sides.
I plan on putting weatherguard or other manufacturer hi side boxes as soon as i get some.
while this will be alot like the utility box setup, and my center of gravity is higher, I hope to gain better clearance in the rear with the flatbed, and I'm working with what I've got.
My setup is still a bit "mickey mouse" I did slightly tweak (read damage) my doorway just by moving it pre reinforcement about 90 freeway miles (some curvy) mostly fixed.
Since reinforcement I did some pretty "gnar" offroad camping, and all is well except for the curry and glass and, well most everything that fell out of the cabinets because my 1990 Alaskan has some very cheesy indeed cabinet knobs.
I'll try and get pix up, or too you.
technology has sure made my lazy, got to get the pix from my phone to the computer, I guess mailing a daguerreotype via pony express would have been more involved.

involved, but doable.

i think i will be bolting the camper through the floor, probably for s---s and giggles use 6 bolts. and the boxes under the overhangs are going to provide them with some support.


New member
Mine is bolted, without issues.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

i saw your epic of a thread somewhere else on the forum, and seem to remember that one of your rigs' flatbed used floating mounts where it was attached to your truck's frame. i remember seeing a picture of valve springs, which is what i want to do as well. how did it work out? can you give me some specs on those springs? this may be covered in the thread, but it's something like 60 pages long. i'm hoping you won't mind pointing me in the right direction.

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