03 Montero Rotella T6 Question


New member
I have an 03 Montero Limited (3.8) and the engine has always ticked. It's not always consistent and usually not very loud but it is annoying since this is a very quiet engine otherwise. Now I will admit that since I have owned it, I have not changed the oil myself. I do know that it always got a synthetic 5w-30. Now, however, I am able to change my own oil again, which I prefer since I can put higher quality oil in and a good quality filter.

I have read a lot about Rotella T6 and how most people really like using it and seems to quiet down lifter's, etc. Based on my research, the only reason not to use T6 is if your engine burns oil, which I am fairly certain mine doesn't (never have seen any smoke or smelled oil from the exhaust). I do have some leaks (replacing passenger rear cam seal this weekend). The main appeal to me is the detergent that can help clean the engine, and the claims of smoother running/eliminating valve noise. I have two concerns/questions:

1) Is there any advantage of Rotella T6 vs something like Mobil 1 5w-30 synthetic?

2) I live in South Dakota where it gets fairly hot in the summer (~4 months of steady 80+ temperatures) and very cold in the winter (~3-4 months of temperatures rarely rising above 10 or 15 degrees, and can be below 0 for weeks (new record this winter of -37 F AIR temperature). How will T6 operate in these temperatures? I let my engine warm up before pulling away, and I never take it above 3k rpm before it is up to temp.

I am ok with running different oil's through different seasons but would prefer not to blend oils. I have always used synthetic Mobil 1 5w-30 in my previous vehicles and been happy, but the Montero is the first with a lifter tick. I'm aware of oil additives and I have used them, but they only last so long and I don't really like dumping a $5 bottle of "something" into my engine.


I'm a fan of the rotella. Made mine both quieter. I ran it in my land rovers too and those saw -30 several times and never had issues. Both The flat tappet motor and the jaguar v8.

I would get a plug in oil pan heater or coolant heater regardless of the oil you run.

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Overlanding Nurse
Another Rotella fan here. Go for it. +1 on the engine heater for those frigid Dakota winters.


All this talk of Rotella made me do some serious research on it... Looks like I'll be switching both my vehicles ('96 Grand Cherokee 4.0 and '02 Montero) to it. Nothing but positive reviews for it (from what I've seen).

Though I did just get an email from the store on base that Mobil1 full synthetic will be $13.39 for a 5qt jug after a $12 rebate... Maybe Rotella at the next change?


JDM Journeys
Rotella in my 4d56 diesel - regularly sees cold starts in the minus 20s (Celsius).

As for your lifter tick, new lifters won't break the bank and can be changed in an afternoon. That's the only sure way to quiet them - my 6g75 is now as quiet as a mitsu v6 should be... well, right up until you gun the throttle and the cracked manifold tick takes over. ;)


+1 Rotella. Dramatically quieted my lifters and the engine just seemed to "like it".

In addition to the Montero, I use it in a Saab 2.3T, which is motor notorious for high oil temps, sludging, and just generally nuking oil. I have done Blackstone Labs UOA on the Saab's Rotella use and it was significantly better than the Mobil 1 TDT which it replaced.

The truck has seen -23F starts in NM, and 106+ Moab summer days. Until competitors respond with a better oil, Rotella T6 is my go to. Add a block heater, and you are ready for Delta Junction, AK and the Atacama. Sort of ;)


It is good stuff.

I use it in everything we own, even the garden tractor :sombrero:

Made the change to a single oil for every vehicle we own a few years ago.

So nice to not have to worry about keeping track of multiple types of oils for top offs....


New member
Thanks for the responses. I put T6 in it yesterday and it definitely seems to run smoother. Cost about the same for the 1 gal jug and another quart as a 5 quart jug of Mobil 1 5-30.


All of my vehicles now get Rotella... started initially with an Isuzu Amigo... with the - lousy - 3.2L DOHC V6, that Isuzu declared would consume 1 qt. per 1,000 miles driven - from the factory!

The noise in their 3.2's is enough to drive one mad... today, oil consumption is practically nil and the tapping noise is non-existent.

After researching these problems I found a myriad of threads detailing using "diesel" oil in gas engines...

The detergents in "diesel" oil are what really helps eliminates these issues previously described/ discussed.

In the heat out west I use 15w40... oddly enough, I just did an oil change on the Isuzu yesterday, and was double-checking the correct oil capacity for our two Montero's today [yep, 2 more oil changes awaiting].

As an aside, consider using 'Baldwin' oil filters... as far as I am concerned there is not a better made, better quality filter on the market. You will likely only find them on the internet... a tad more money, but well worth it.


Mitsubishi Loyalist
I switched to Valvoline Syntec full synthetic high milage oil about a year ago and I did see a improvement in engine performance and oil consumption but after a buddy talked to much hype about the Rotella T6 I started thinking of using it.

After reading this thread...i think I am going to try Rotella T6 on my wifes Gen 3 on its next oil change.


Not really Rotella T6 related but just in reference to synthetic oil...

I know that I used to run regular oil (non synthetic) in my first few oil changes since taking ownership last year. My most recent was to Amsoil full synthetic and immediately noticed less "ticking" sound on start up and an overall smoother sound of the engine. Then within a few months my passenger-side valve cover developed a very small leak. I have heard that synthetic oil will creep and penetrate better that regular oil so maybe that is what happened. Finally, I have noticed that the oil went from mostly clear blonde color to more of a carmel color the more I drive and still no where near the recommended mileage for a change (7500 miles). Not sure if any of my experience would be different if I had gone to Rotella T6....


A point that has been brought up in certain forum discussions about Rotella T6 is that it's higher phosphorus content could possibly have long-term detrimental effects on a catalytic converter. My assumption would be that this could really only be an issue if you were burning excessive amounts of oil for a long time (valve stem seals anyone?).

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