Small Off-Road Build


Sorry, spell check must have "corrected" the last post. I hope to be at 1800lbs. UN-loaded, that includes the tent, but not the cargo, water tanks, full cooler, misc. gear, etc.


Just a note- While fitting the pieces to the cage, I found there were some unexpected hazards. I believe to always fit first, disassemble, finish and THEN assemble. The nest for the kitchen was sitting on my table saw (finished and ready to install). For some reason I was looking at it thinking that there was NO way that the box could fit in the opening of the cage. I took a tape to the box and found that I had made a BAD change to the measurements in error when I went from 1/2" to 3/4" stock. The box was over and inch too tall. I was SO mad that I let it sit for a few weeks before I completely cut the top back off and fit it back to the box correctly. Then the reseal, paint and lacquer. (What a PAIN). NEXT-just before I was sending the cage to powder, I fit the black strong box to the inside. I have to lift the cage as the larger pieces will only fit through the large opening in the bottom. I found that I would not be able to get the box in unless I removed an upper shelf bar, and weld it back in when it got back from powder... not an option. I decided to mount the box, re-weld the bar and shoot the cage in the driveway. I had some old white Polyurethane from a car project. Could never wait to get the temperature right, so it ran like a hot candle. BUT, at the end of the day, I got it smooth AND it will be mostly hidden in sheet metal skin. Since then- I added the kitchen nest (box) and got to the shop to sheer the gray sheets to start adding them on this weekend, and everything is good.
To sum it up- Life's Short. Don't get too frustrated with builds. Just remember the end-game and big picture....The problems are just a small drop in the bucket of a happy life.
To sum it up- Life's Short. Don't get too frustrated with builds. Just remember the end-game and big picture....The problems are just a small drop in the bucket of a happy life.

In my building process I will have to agree with this 100% . Looks awesome by the way


Don't get too frustrated with builds. Just remember the end-game and big picture.

I loved this quote too. It's incredibly frustrating to take perfect measurements and make perfect cuts and still not have things not fit together quite right due to something being unexpectedly out of square. But in the end, nobody will know but me (and I'm probably going to forget in a few years anyway).


Got the steel cut yesterday. I can usually use the shear myself, but the shop has a new foreman, so I had to leave it with them to cut. They were off, but nothing I can't fix at the house. Used high bond contact cement and started to laminate the sides together. The sides will actually be the last pieces to get attached. This will give me access to the interior until the end. I got the inside of the outer panels cut and painted. Added the upper shelf and got it riveted to the cage. the stereo and exterior floods arrived, but still waiting for the marine carpet and the rest of the water feed system to get here. Going to add a tent pole/fishing rod tube to the top cargo area, but the port is too big for the other accessories adjacent to that side of the trailer. Might have to decrease the size of the tube I was using. Here's some progress shots:

Heifer Boy

Looking good RodRage!

I don't know if I missed it or not but what's going on with your kitchen slides? It looks like normal drawer slides with an angle attached so they can be mounted on the bottom of a drawer instead of the sides. They look like the mechanism stays vertical keeping the load rating. Interesting.


Looking good RodRage!

I don't know if I missed it or not but what's going on with your kitchen slides? It looks like normal drawer slides with an angle attached so they can be mounted on the bottom of a drawer instead of the sides. They look like the mechanism stays vertical keeping the load rating. Interesting.

Thanks. They're actually heavy equipment floor slides. Due to the way the kitchen folds out and nests, I couldn't see using conventional drawer sliders without allot or fine routing and woodwork.....and these things can hold about 1500lbs/pair. Unfortunately, they WEIGH about 30lbs too. Either way, I had them laying around and they didn't cost me anything extra.


Got some skin on the bottom and the back today. Trying not to forget to finish things that the skin will hinder. Lighting (wiring) and upper trunk carpet were the obvious items that I had to get in before this skin gets attached.... but there will be more that will be a PITA before it's over. I've moved the plumbing plans several times and I foresee allot more wiring that will need routing around the skin job. Fortunately, cage is back in the garage so I get to turn on the A/C and avoid heat stroke. Radio and flood lights came in and I'll have to check the depth for clearance.
Pics from Carpet install:


Finished all skin except for the 2 long sides. They are completed, but can't put them up until the wiring, lights, accessories, etc. go in. Just too much work to try to get to everything with the sides blocking all the hardware. Looking to start attaching accessories and get the thing wired and plumbed. Also going to fit the tent & awning, and get the roof bar fabricated. Put the kitchen back in the nest and fitted the sliders.


Added the "pioneer gear" to the front foil of the camper. Looking for an idea on locking them down without drilling the tools. The farm jack has lockable perches, but the shovel and axe need a lock. I'm thinking to fab a double collar with a rattle pin or just a drilled threaded perch and wingnut, that I can put a lock on.
Not looking to overbuild the issue, just a deterrent from loosing a cheap axe.... AND, I have this idea that I might catch an idiot pulling the axe off the camper and gets scarred enough to threaten me with MY OWN axe..... and I don't want to have to shoot said idiot.
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Added components to the rear/kitchen area. Got the back hatch added, although I will have to re-attach the hinges with a 1/4" shim (spacers) to pull out the right side. Forgot the thickness of the latching arm. Also forgot to paint the latching arm gray. Plumbed the water heater vent, and got some lights in and looking to finish the drawer sliders for the refrigerator and dry food pantry this weekend.


Not sure of the mechanics of the latching arm but what if you painted it black and put it on the outside of the door?

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