Not So Subtle E350 Shuttle - 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

I feel your pain with the bent axle. Been there done that and it sucks.

You're gonna love this thing Gregor. It drives so nice.

Is the electric locker in the rear as simple as a SPST switch to apply power to the axle? Maybe a few wires for an indicator light? I am happy with my Sterling with the LSD, but dang...electric locker!

Hey MG, looks like Josh is doing all the work! You're in like two pictures. You drinking Kombucha over on Josh's weight bench and shouting instructions from the peanut gallery? Did you get the right "truck parts" to get that transmission converted? I was pretty hazy when I talked to you last week. General anesthesia will do that to you. Feel free to call again if I wasn't making sense.


Is the electric locker in the rear as simple as a SPST switch to apply power to the axle? Maybe a few wires for an indicator light? I am happy with my Sterling with the LSD, but dang...electric locker!

Hey MG, looks like Josh is doing all the work! You're in like two pictures.

I'll try to remedy that - but MG is the brains and Josh is the brawn. But it's pretty obvious they switch rolls every once in a while.

Yes, the electric locker should just be a switch and the front axle has the "auto" hubs so MG is going to hook that up to a vacuum solenoid and another switch so I don't have to get out of the cab to engage four wheel drive.



The axle showed up yesterday and I managed to get free after spending the morning stripping, grinding and cleaning the front hitch mount on the Avion trailer that we're restoring (you know, because restoring a house, three motorcycles and this van wasn't enough on my plate). My timing was perfect because Josh was still watching his kid and so the only thing to do was prep the axle.



Which meant I'd escaped stripping, grinding and cleaning only to do more of the same...


I was surprised to learn that the knuckle castings aren't even painted from Ford. I was also surprised to learn that the axle weighs about 700lbs. Man, trucks and truck parts are heavy! After several hours of work with a wire brush the axle was clean enough to paint.


Satin black is the best color. Flat enough to hide bad prep and shiny enough to make you feel like a painting hero. That axle looks pretty great.



While I was toiling away on the axle MG was prepping another control arm since the other was suspect after discovering the bent axle. With the control arms in place and the axle prepped and painted it was time.


And off it goes into the shop to be united with it's destiny. It will be much happier in it's new life.


Self portrait - because as a photographer I don't get "selfies". Selfie is short for I-have-an-arm-but-no-imagination. Sorry, I digress.

Before the axle can go in the springs need to be installed...




These springs are supposedly taller and softer than in previous kits so we'll see how they work. In order to attach the spring to the lower mount you have to stack all your socket extensions to reach all the way down the spring and tighten the bolt. MG's spring perch is pretty smart and has a cutout to capture the nut so you only need two hands instead of 3... or 4.



Then the completed axle is rolled under the truck to consummate the marriage.


Josh hooks things up on the front so that the van can be lowered enough to put weight on the axles so that the drive shaft angles can be set.


Since this is the first 7.3 MG has done he want's to be sure to get the measurements right so the driveshaft shop can build the driveshaft right the first time.


And the van is now tall enough to serve as a comfortable work space to calculate the angles and lengths needed.


With that the lift was lowered but the van continued to hang in the air. I was sure that it was still suspended by something, that there was a jack under it or something. It took several moments for it to sink in that the van was sitting, very high up, all on it's own new suspenders. Holy ****.


Much like having sex for the first time no amount of stories, pictures or thought will prepare you for the experience. If you've never seen one of these vans in person you simply cannot grasp the size, the height and the sheer presence. I showed my son this photo and he stared at it for a long time, studying all the differences and finally came to the same conclusion that I did, slowly drawing out the words, "It's awesome!"

And I haven't even driven it yet.

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Expedition goofball
Wait til you drive and what feels like everyone is staring at you/van.
Looks great.
Im interested to hear reviews of those taller and softer front springs. I am wondering if they will 1. give more tire clearance from rubbing and 2. possibly increase the up travel distance of the axle in rough terrain and/or increase articulation. I haven't been out to do the obligatory max articulation test and photo yet with the van. Stupid back surgery.


Getting closer! What's the ETA on the drive lines?

It's a race between the Vermont DMV and the driveshaft shop. MG was headed to the shop today with a request to expedite them and those sort of shops are hard to rush. Tuesday? Fingers crossed.



Looks amazing. I would post pics of the dark, dank contrast between my shop and Josh's but it would only depress me more to see them myself. I visited Josh and MG on a road trip a few weeks ago and these guys keep it clean. I thought I did! Gregor, your pics only rub it in more but don't stop. Please don't stop. :D


If you just heard a sigh it was probably me breathing one of relief...


Thank you VT for being free of DMV nonsense. I can't tell you how relieved I am that I now truly own this van.



Expedition Leader
Looks amazing. I would post pics of the dark, dank contrast between my shop and Josh's but it would only depress me more to see them myself. I visited Josh and MG on a road trip a few weeks ago and these guys keep it clean. I thought I did! Gregor, your pics only rub it in more but don't stop. Please don't stop. :D

The van and shop look awesome.

I'd be happy to be able to get a car in the garage. Rig is too tall to fit at 8'6"... just imagine what it'd be with 4WD.


The last of the axle work was done today. We're getting close.

First was welding on the spring perches and shock mounts. The original ones were ground off and replacements were fitted and tacked into place when we did the test fitting of the axle. Time for more sparks!


I can tig weld but I've never mig welded but MG does a really beautiful job and makes me want to learn it. It's so fast.


This axle was much cleaner and took less time to prep and paint once the mounts were in place. The Sterling is a really good looking axle - now that I'm becoming aware of such things.


Now that I have such nice looking axles I will have to make an effort to clean up the underside and paint the frame rails and the inner wheel wells.


We're working through the punch list and there's a lot to do but most of it is small stuff. The only thing that can hold us up is the drive shafts so I'm hoping to go there first thing Monday morning and put some gentle pressure on the driveshaft shop to see if I can get the shafts faster. I'd also like to see how a shaft is made.

Oh, and Josh found more time to button up the front end which looks tight.


And of course I got those plates.

Lastly I needed some switches to lock the front hubs and the rear diffs and probably a few more things but we needed something right now so I ordered this off Amazon.


Not sure if I can replace the rocker covers but I'm sure hoping that I can.

Lastly I needed some switches to lock the front hubs and the rear diffs and probably a few more things but we needed something right now so I ordered this off Amazon.


Not sure if I can replace the rocker covers but I'm sure hoping that I can.


I'm pretty sure the switch covers are replaceable like 99% of those switches are.

i just installed a 3 switch panel/12v CLA adapter/USB port panel in my transit connect and i had some problems with the wires, nothing was soldered, and some of the connections seemed a bit dodgy, so i went and pulled the wires/terminals off the back and actually ripped out some of the terminals from the back of the switches. i fixed the wires, but then had to re order new switches. went with the switches from Bluesea, MUCH cheaper on amazon than anywhere else, even with express 2 day shipping ( i don't have prime)........ just a heads up

build is looking great, and excellently documented.

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