really? I'd thought they were only 150A total. They have a very low duty cycle number, could it have been overheating / overuse, rather than the supplied Amps?
I've been wiring and configuring with the intent of slinging as much as 200A at their 12,000 and was iniitally muddled by the 150A breaker assembly supplied. But then figured 'ok, that holds it well below my wiring, so o.k.'. And if 150A is too much, well, I've really overbuilt everything else. Pretty much 1/0 cable throughout, dual battery, 200A combiner solenoid, high output 200A+ ALT and the SB175 connectors. Was even planning to swap the factory winch connection cables to 1/0 (iirc they are 2AWG?)
(shrug) I'm still planning to go with the Badlands 12k. At $300 sale price I can't pass it up. the $4-500 premium for something else will go to some other need. Until we're all back to work I'm probably not buying ANY winch. Still have to procure the last cabling to my rear bumper and front grill plug locations, anyway.