Help me dream up the perfect sub $30k rig!


New member
Hey all,

I'm currently trying to dream up the perfect rig for my needs and I want to make sure I've looked at all my options. I currently run a heavily modified 4runner with a RTT, but I'm craving a more user friendly interior space. My brother has a simple short bed standard cab Tacoma with a topper and sleeping platform, and I'm constantly jealous of how he can just hop in the back and go to sleep. However, He basically can't use his bed for anything else and with two people in it there's no room for a fridge. I love that my 4runner is always ready to go. Just throw in the fridge and supplies and head off. I just hate the RTT... especially in the rain.

What I've thought of already:
-Teardrop camper with large tires (I don't really have space to store it and I'd rather avoid having to tow anything)
- 4-wheel-camper in the bed of a midsize truck (again I don't really have space to store it and I probably wont be able to do truck & camper for sub $30k)
- 1 ton 4wd van (Do I really want to daily drive a large van?)
- 4 door long bed midsize truck with a topper and removable sleeping platform. This seems like the most viable option but I don't love the Idea of having to remove everything from the bed when I'm home. Also The fridge would have to go in the back seat and I like the idea of having seating for 4 while camping. Maybe I should just accept seating for only 3?

-Daily driver
-Interior space (I hate setting up and taking down a RTT)
-Water storage
-Ability to use the vehicle in stock form when I need it (if I have a truck, I still want to be able to load lumber and motorcycles into the bed while around town)
-Seating for 4 while still being setup for overland travel

Am I asking for too much? Does such a rig even exist?

Thanks in advance for your ideas!


Unless you bleed money, everything is a lesson in compromise. I have an extended cab Silverado, dont camp as much as I want to right now, so I put my sleeping platform and whatever in my truckbed when it is needed. It takes half an hour to load my truck, do you need to be faster than that? Cap stays on 24/7 but I did build some dead men I can back up into and lift the cap off myself in 5 minutes, and it takes just a little longer to get it back on.

If you get a trailer, you can just leave that ready to do 24/7 and hook it up and drive away. It seems like that may be the best option if your means of camping and traveling aren't hindered by towing. A modern 1/2 ton will pull 5-6000lbs without breaking a sweat.


Even so, what’s your idea?
You want to "BUY" a vehicle with all the do's and don't's as listed above........
The only type of vehicle that comes to mind is a used diesel van.. like a ford/chevy/mercedez benz.... (vanlife,.... !!!) :unsure:
I think @XJLI put it best everything is a lesson in compromise.
I would suggest a trailer too, but I dont do trailer anymore after having owned one.....
These are great at base camps..but not thrilled on pulling one... (compromise, comes to mind).
You need to ask what's the vehicle going to be used for and how often, what are you willing to do with. and without, what's a need vs a want.
If you are set on stone on the list you posted above.. then bite the bullet and spend the $$....
Im a DIY'er, so I dont really get the "want to buy" ready to go vehicle.. unless you got the deep pockets........
Building one has proven to be more fun (personal experience), but I do realized is not and should not be for everyone out there......
Good luck and hope you find what you are looking for....


If you get a trailer, you can just leave that ready to do 24/7 and hook it up and drive away. It seems like that may be the best option if your means of camping and traveling aren't hindered by towing. A modern 1/2 ton will pull 5-6000lbs without breaking a sweat.
I’ll 2nd the trailer.


- 4-wheel-camper in the bed of a midsize truck (again I don't really have space to store it and I probably wont be able to do truck & camper for sub $30k)
-Daily driver
-Interior space (I hate setting up and taking down a RTT)
-Water storage
-Ability to use the vehicle in stock form when I need it (if I have a truck, I still want to be able to load lumber and motorcycles into the bed while around town)
-Seating for 4 while still being setup for overland travel

No problem with the vehicle, but your lack of space to store a camper or trailer is a problem.
If you want to load motorcycles and lumber, then you are going to need to remove your camping setup. No way around that. You'll either have to gut it manually or have a camper that is removable with jacks. But if you don't have a place to store it, then you can't do that. That would nix the trailer idea too.

So... something has to give... which is it?


Think about this more, I believe a small trailer for hauling motorcycles and lumber could be an option. It would be easier to stash when not in use. Then you can get a pickup and build a fairly low profile camper and just leave it set up.


Wiffleball Batter
I'd echo what the others have said WRT many of your requirements being contradictory.

You need to distinguish between "need" and "nice to have but not necessary." I'll start with the motorcycle carrying bit: you have a 4runner now so how do you carry motorcycles NOW? I'm guessing you don't. Or you have access to a trailer. Either of which would eliminate your need for a removable topper on a pickup.

Same with passenger capacity. You say you'd like to have capacity to carry 3 or 4 people when in camping configuration. Is this something you actually DO or is it something that you think you might WANT to do in the future? Because a wagon-type SUV with the seats folded flat (Suburban, Yukon, Tahoe, Expedition) offers a lot of interior room but having to carry passengers in the 2nd row is going to cut down on your usable interior cargo space, so how important is that to you?

A crew-cab long-bed truck with a topper or platform would likely do everything you need to do, but is driving something with a 150"+ wheelbase as a daily driver going to be an issue? My F-150 is a short bed (145" wheelbase) and even it is a PITA to park in a tight parking garage. I wouldn't even want to think about trying to park a long bed model. You can also get a compact truck with a crew cab and 6' bed but their wheelbases are still nearly 140".

Does it need to fit into a garage? If it does that might favor a smaller or shorter vehicle as opposed to a van or full sized truck.

As has been said, the choice of a vehicle is always SOME kind of a compromise. A longer/wider vehicle can carry more cargo and will be more stable. A shorter/narrower vehicle is more maneuverable and easier to park in the city. A vehicle that is great at carrying cargo will be less good at carrying passengers and vice-versa. There's no way to reconcile those factors, they are mutually exclusive, so you simply have to decide which factor is more important and make your decision accordingly.


Wiffleball Batter
A trailer might be viable if you adjust the way you travel.

For example, instead of "through" travel (that is, start at Point A and drive all day until you get to Point B where you set up camp, exploring along the way as you drive from A to B) you might instead "base camp" by traveling to point C, drop the trailer and set up camp, then take day trips out to point A and B and then come back to camp, sleep, and hook up and leave after a few days.


New member
You want to "BUY" a vehicle with all the do's and don't's as listed above........
The only type of vehicle that comes to mind is a used diesel van.. like a ford/chevy/mercedez benz.... (vanlife,.... !!!) :unsure:
I think @XJLI put it best everything is a lesson in compromise.
I would suggest a trailer too, but I dont do trailer anymore after having owned one.....
These are great at base camps..but not thrilled on pulling one... (compromise, comes to mind).
You need to ask what's the vehicle going to be used for and how often, what are you willing to do with. and without, what's a need vs a want.
If you are set on stone on the list you posted above.. then bite the bullet and spend the $$....
Im a DIY'er, so I dont really get the "want to buy" ready to go vehicle.. unless you got the deep pockets........
Building one has proven to be more fun (personal experience), but I do realized is not and should not be for everyone out there......
Good luck and hope you find what you are looking for....

Thanks for the insight. I guess I should’ve mentioned that I’m a huge DIYer. I can machine most things, I do a ton of welding and woodworking and I’m capable of building basically anything. I’m just looking for general ideas of how to fit all of this in. Once I have a concept, I will likely build a lot of it myself! The goal is to have a slightly more capable than stock off-roader to go for long weekends every other week. Maybe for a month straight in the summer.


New member
No problem with the vehicle, but your lack of space to store a camper or trailer is a problem.
If you want to load motorcycles and lumber, then you are going to need to remove your camping setup. No way around that. You'll either have to gut it manually or have a camper that is removable with jacks. But if you don't have a place to store it, then you can't do that. That would nix the trailer idea too.

So... something has to give... which is it?

Thanks for the reply. Currently I have a small trailer but I’m relocating to Summit County, CO where I won’t have space to store it. I’m leaning towards a 4dr truck with tall topper/simple sleeping platform and using the rear seats for storage/fridge. Then in a bind I can fit 3 people in the truck. I wonder if there is a style of topper that will fit a motorcycle with the bed empty?

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