XJ netbook mount

So, now that I have all of my Navigation software running on my new eMachines netbook :wings: (running Win7 starter 32bit), I needed to figure out how to mount it.

Here's what I have so far....

I removed the center stack bezel. Not much to mount to behind it, so I'm reinforcing it.

The reimforcement plates

Their location. The idea here is to spread the load and leverage. The netbook only weighs a couple of lbs, so I think this should work.

After sketching an idea out on paper, I laid it out on some 1/8" plate I had around.

It's not perfect (as is nothing on my Jeep), but here's the cutout.

A bit of bending (this took longer than the cutting) and it takes shape. The tabs are for brackets that will secure the netbook to the mount.

A little reinforcment to eliminate any potential bouncing while on the trail

That's it so far. I'll follow up with the completed and installed mount. Then again with a full review of it's performance. :smiley_drive:
Man, I really enjoy side projects. They're almost always easy and in this case, it added a TON of functionality to the Jeep on for my longer trips. I could use it on crawling type trips, but the netbook isn't very rugged, so I'm not sure that would be a good idea.

I picked up some 1.5"x5/16" bolts, nylock nuts & wingnuts. Here's how it all comes together.




The mount easily doubled the weight of the bezel and as I was putting it all together I got concerned about it even staying in place. However once I snapped it in, it was in place very well. I gave it a tug and no movement. I'm impressed so far.

The cutout is for airflow under the netbook.


I don't have the GPS reciever, mouse or power supply hooked up, so the setup looks really clean here, but there will be cables running out the PC once I'm done. Including an 3.5mm jack going to a wired FM modulator so I can run my full music catalog when on the road.

I'm really happy with the viewing area on this 10" screen. Hopefully daylight visibility will be acceptable.

My favorite aspect is that there's ZERO intrusion on the driver or passenger seating area like a typical RAM mount setup. Also, I can leave this setup in place when I'm sleeping in the jeep on my longer trips.

I have a "Navigation Mode" power setting which leaves all systems running with the top down (you don't always need to navigate right). With this in mind, I positioned the mount so that with the lid down, the HVAC vents can still offer up thier comforting winds.
It may not be apparent in the pictures above, but the angle of the mount also allows easy access to the HVAC switches/temp control. Also, if I do need to access my stereo (which I shouldn't when I have the netbook hooked up, I can simply lift out the netbook and reach through the cutouts.

Here all systems are back to normal with minimal impact on the stock appearance of the dash.



Nice work, looks well thought out and very functional. If I could make one suggestion, add something to help hold the screen up when open. This is the only thing mine doesn't have and on bumpy roads it tends to close itself. Just a thought, I hope you don't mind.


Black Dog

Makin' Beer.
Thats pretty cool! It is a good alternative to the commercially manufactured mounts that go on the floor of your passenger seat and make it hard for someone to sit there.
Nice work, looks well thought out and very functional. If I could make one suggestion, add something to help hold the screen up when open. This is the only thing mine doesn't have and on bumpy roads it tends to close itself. Just a thought, I hope you don't mind.


You know what? I've heard of that being a problem before and I planned to add it, but just plain forgot. I will have to incorporate something.

Thanks for the tip/reminder. :ylsmoke:
Thats pretty cool! It is a good alternative to the commercially manufactured mounts that go on the floor of your passenger seat and make it hard for someone to sit there.

Thanks and it only cost me $15 in hardware, since I had all the materials :wings: Even the material would only be about $10, give or take...


I've got a JOTTO DESK setup laying in my garage that I am considering to modify to fit perfectly with the notebook I am going to use...

(havent purchased it yet, since have been looking at TOUGHBOOKS, but just havent found the "right" deal)...

Looks good thou... I would have to say real good, as far as the idea etc.

Makes me want to think about relocation of the stereo / vents / climate controls and see if its possible to actually fit some sort of a screen into the Dash there, similar to the new cars GPS monitors, at the same time incorporate may be rear view camera... and provide some sort of a "shade" option, where the screen is inside (deeper) for much better viewing during the daylight...

But have to say... very good idea on the brackets... and very simple and usefull...



Have you tried this out on some rough road yet? I'm wundering about those damn clips. They can be a pita to get lose when YOU want them to come off. But may refuse to hold together when you want them to. If you think about it , you might consider a bit of padding between the mount and netbook. I use the foam stuff that goes in for drawer liner. I put it on top of my Jotto, after the better part of a week on wash boards and FINE interstate for a test, No ill effects were suffered. The biggest concern now is dust. Enjoy, it will be a entertainment system.
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Black Dog

Makin' Beer.
(havent purchased it yet, since have been looking at TOUGHBOOKS, but just havent found the "right" deal)...

I installed 18 of the floor mount laptop brackets and Panasonic toughbooks with IMT adapters into sheriff department squad cars about 2 years ago at my old job. Those toughbooks are pretty cool but cost quite a bit more, when we were shopping for them our sales guy sent us a picture of one that took a bullet in a police car and kept on running. Having the touch screen would be awesome for a GPS type of set up.
Have you tried this out on some rough road yet? I'm wundering about those damn clips. .......you might consider a bit of padding between the mount and netbook. .....Enjoy, it will be a entertainment system.

I have not tested it on rough road yet. Probably Friday since I have the day off and the kids are in school :sombrero:

The netbook has rubber feet, but at the front, where the edge is turned up (touching the front of the netbook), I added padding. Also, I added padding to the 4 "clamp brackets" which I haven't posted pictures of.

I've had a lot of comments regarding the ability of the clips to hold this setup, so I will probably add some long screws through it, into the stronger part of the dash, BEFORE it becomes a problem.

Yeah, Navigation, Movies, Music, Surfing at hotspots (probably not, but I could if I wanted to) and Writing trip reports on the road, instead of trying to remember highlights after the fact. I'm excited!! :wings:


New member
This is just straight up awesome!
THanks for posting this, I may steal your idea in the near future!

Thought I follow-up on how I'm actually securing the netbook to the mount.

I drilled some holes in the tabs I had previously bent over from the cutout. I JB welded the bolts through the holes.

I found some copier brackets at work that worked perfectly combined with some wing nuts.

Here you can see the padding I added to the bracket to protect the netbook

Once the laptop is in place the slotted bracket snugs against the netbook, then I just tighten the wingnuts.



I installed 18 of the floor mount laptop brackets and Panasonic toughbooks with IMT adapters into sheriff department squad cars about 2 years ago at my old job. Those toughbooks are pretty cool but cost quite a bit more, when we were shopping for them our sales guy sent us a picture of one that took a bullet in a police car and kept on running. Having the touch screen would be awesome for a GPS type of set up.

Yes, agreed there... They do tend to be quiet spendy.

Biggest question at the moment then would be:

How do "regular" (stock:)) notebooks stand up to the test of off-roading, as far as shaky-shaky on the off-pavement stuff?

Is it that much of vibration and other that would effect the performance of the drive?, since I guess its safe to say that its not just your regular @home use when you are on the road.

Being that Toughbooks have that vibrations protection built into their drive mounts, thats the main idea there...

Anyone had a laptop/netbook drive lock up on them on the trail from vibration?

Being that harddrive is the only moving part of the setup, I wonder if a simple swap to a SolidState drive would solve that problem?! :coffee:

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