The far too easy 'Hi-Lift Jack' stowage solution


My Hi-Lift Mount Design

With the body lift and suspension lift I out grew the factory jack a long time ago. I found a new Hi-Lift jack from a former Jeep owner for $25. He had cut it down 6" to 42" so it would fit inside his Jeep. I started to look for probable mounting locations like the roof. Wife shot down that idea since she sometimes drives it to work. Then I was going to mount it on the new steel plate rear bumper I am making but I was worried about dust and mud causing malfunctions. Then I found this inside location and it seems perfect. It is slightly off the center hump and no new holes need to be made since it uses the seat bolts. It mounts solid, has less worry about theft, no tools needed to use it, keeps it like new condition and helps keep the weight of the Tracker as low as possible. With the seat moved slightly forward there is still plenty of room for feet and the rear seat still works up and down. I just visited the local hardware store and $7.50 for the threaded knobs and steel is all I spent. I brazed nuts to the steel for the treaded nuts. The steel is thick enough that it does not allow any movement. There are no rattles from it and you don't need tools to dismount it with the thumb srcrews. Let me know what you think.







I agree with keeping it inside. I used to keep mine on the roof rack, but it got extremely dirty and I had to WD40 it daily to keep it working.

I just took the "foot" off and bolted it to the floor in my XJ. The foot stows perfectly under the factory spare "shelf" that now holds my CO2.



Another fan of inside storage of high lift and pull pal. Only takes a few min to put them back together for use and apart its easier to find secure stowage for the smaller pieces.




New member
I also have mine outside but i live in the desert so rust is just not a factor.



I have caught it a couple of times on drop offs but not hard enough to rip it off. just keep in mind if you have never been in a roll over everything in the cab is coming at your head. Something with the mass of a jack would be a real show stopper.



Back when I had my S10 (similar in size to your truck), I had the Hi-Lift 60" mounted here:


Was safe and secure, but I would recommend a cover for it, because it got pretty dirty right there. But still works great to this day!

I had my Hi-Lift mounted like this to the front bumper of my Wrangler, worked great until someone backed into it while it was parked.


My wife stores her 48" Hi-Lift under the backseat of her Liberty. No disassembly needed, fits almost like Jeep meant for one to be there.


Tis clean but to each their own. Ya can never be too safe.

Location seems questionable as its not stowed down. May not be an issue on the trail but getting there, that's a lot of weight "floating" around in the cab.

Here is how I mounted mine, works for me but not necessarily everyone else. It's quick and easy to get to.


Offtyopic but what type of box is that and where did you get it?



Location of High Lift Jack

At the start of our expedition we had the hi lift jack located next to the spare tire, but we had 2 problems, first despite the cover the jack got filthy and when we needed it we had to spend time trying to clean it before it could be safely used. Secondly after thousands of miles of bad corrugations, the jack had rubbed a spot and damaged the spare tire. So we resorted to having it inside the cruiser. If you look carefully at the photo you will see an attempt to have a thick piece of rubber between the jack and the tire. These guys did a great job cleaning our cruiser. Photo taken in Luanda capital of Angola



Another fan of inside storage of high lift and pull pal. Only takes a few min to put them back together for use and apart its easier to find secure stowage for the smaller pieces.



Slick mount right there.:)


X2 - DSY, any additional info you could provide on this mount would be greatly appreciated.

Its just a diy mount using scrap steel I had around. I tapped the backside of the lap belt mount bolt to attach the steel cross member to and then welded on some bolts to secure highlift shaft on the bottom side with some rubber spacers for noise reduction. And for the Pull Pal mount I borrowed the design I saw on here somewhere that was on a roof rack. Its worked out well so far. No rattles, no rust and both are always available. The spade for the pull pal and the base of the high lift both reside in my recovery bag that stays in the back. I have a rear deck installed also to keep things like the recovery bag from flying around just in case.


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