Recent content by commostud

  1. C

    2003 Montero Replacement headlights

    Thank you for the bulb info. I am going to polish my current lights and get the replacement bulbs
  2. C

    Montero Alignment in Houston

    I will look up that kind of shop and give it a go. I am driving 4500 miles from Houston to Anchorage and need it properly aligned. And Yes, it is a 2003 Montero.
  3. C

    Montero Alignment in Houston

    Does anyone know were I can take my Montero to get it properly aligned in Houston Texas? I have tried twice and the said they could not align the rear wheels. My passenger rear needs camber adjustement and both wheels need toe adjustment. They said the rear alignment is good for total toe...
  4. C

    2003 Montero Replacement headlights

    The question I have is about replacement headlight. Not factory one's but the aftermarket ones you see on amazon or ebay. How well do they work? Mine are the faded ones and I have one with a crack so I have to replace it. Just need to now if they work and how bright are they. Mine cant see 50...
  5. C

    value of gen 1

    There is a 1989 5sp v6 I pretty good shape. He wants $12500 for it. It is on houston Facebook marketplace. Oh it 160k miles.
  6. C

    value of gen 1

    Well your location is a factor. But, if no rust and it drives well you can get 5k or more out of it. Just so you know I bought a 2003 montero with 138k 1.5 years ago for $4000. It is decent to good condition and I did the timing belt recently. But I would rather have your montero before a jeep...
  7. C

    Mitsubishi Renews Montero name Trademark

    Wish they would sell the montero that is actually better than the 4runner with everything including price.
  8. C

    2003 montero flashing center diff code 35

    One the drive home there was no flashing center diff light with the solenoid bypassed.that means I need to buy a new solenoid--factory part.
  9. C

    2003 montero flashing center diff code 35

    I found that the cheapo solenoid randomly works. I bought some vehicle vacuum connectors and bypassed the soleniod to see if the transfer case light did not flash on me on my way to work. So far no flashing center diff light. Will see how it works on the way home. Hopefully we found the issue...
  10. C

    2003 montero flashing center diff code 35

    Well I figured out where the vacuum comes from. I traced the line and removed it and reconnected it. Now I am getting vacuum to the solenoid. But the new aftermarket solenoids are not moving the vacuum to the freewheel vacuum tank. I will bypass the soleniod to see if the actuator works to pull...
  11. C

    2003 montero flashing center diff code 35

    I checked to see if the 4x4 actuator moved on the front axle and it does not. Then I checked the vacuum hoses and I am not getting vacuum to the solenoid. None of the vacuums hoses had any vacuum. Where does the vacuum come from off the intake so I can trace the problem and see why it's not...
  12. C

    2003 montero flashing center diff code 35

    Hopefully Sunday I will check vacuum plumbing and the actuator on the front axle to make sure everything is working. I also have to change an O2 sensor. The o2 sensor is killing my mpg's.
  13. C

    2003 montero flashing center diff code 35

    The factory one had broken vacuum hose attachments. I think I have it plumbed up correctly. And the 4x4 works. Well it works until the light starts to flash. I will look up the vacuum diagram and check the plumbing.
  14. C

    2003 montero flashing center diff code 35

    I could use some help. I have code 35 for the transfer case. I replaced the solenoids under the air cleaner (it was broken) and I replaced the diff lock sensor switch on the axle. I still have the center diff light flash after 10 miles. The 4x4 works just fine until the light flashes. I did...
  15. C

    "Yoshi" - 2005 Limited Build & Adventure Thread

    Thank you LusoOverland for the vids and parts and ideas