Recent content by gkieser92

  1. G

    Battery tie down

    Inside the box there's nothing to ratchet it down to. The bottom of the box has no holes.
  2. G

    Battery tie down

    I got a new battery in my '97 LX450. This new battery is about 2/3 the size of the old one, and there's enough room for it to bounce around the battery box. There is no tie down bracket or strap. I've jerry-rigged a rubber bungie to hold it in place but that is barely adequate for street...
  3. G

    Utility trailer mods for bad roads

    You are probably right. Last weekend I took the trailer to an OHV area at the end of 2 miles road that was so potholed the axle, hitch and frame were bottoming out. This summer I'm planning a trip that will end in 10 miles of washboard road, and I go through 1-2 spares time we go with my camper...
  4. G

    Utility trailer mods for bad roads

    The specs are the trailer capacity is 1625 lbs, and the quad is 700 lbs. The axle is 2000 lbs. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
  5. G

    Utility trailer mods for bad roads

    I got a 5x8 utility trailer to haul my new quad. These trailers come with very small 4.80x12 tires and very low ground clearance. I'm planning on doing an over/under conversion on the axle, which should raise the trailer 7"-8" and make a lot more room for bigger wheels. I think I'll get space...
  6. G

    ATV battery tenders

    I know this is a forum for motorcycles, but I'm assuming there is carryover with motorcycle and ATV batteries. I recently just got my first quad, and since it will go weeks or months between uses I want to keep the battery charged up. What is a good ATV battery tender? Is it possible to jump an...
  7. G

    2nd set of wheels for an LX450?

    I'm looking at getting a second set of wheels and tires for my LX 450. The rig is totally stock on the original wheels and have nice new set of Michelin Defenders. I'd like to use the Michelins for daily driving street use. The second set would be for the 6-8 days a year I actually got off road...
  8. G

    International Scout to resurrected as EV's

    Maybe it's my latent boomer genes, but I hate when a car company slaps a classic name on a new model that has nothing to do with the original spirit of the model. Like the Mustang Mach E. A SUV should never be a Mustang and a Mustang can never be a SUV. Scouts are the antithesis of the...
  9. G

    Sleeping Bag & Pad Recommendations for Big Guys?

    I know it's not a high-end brand, but I have a big Ozark Trail 0 degree sleeping bag that was given to me, and it has kept me comfy and warm on some really cold nights. BTW, I'm 6'5" and 3-fiddy.
  10. G

    How are you guys handling yourselves in strange circumstances off the grid?

    It is very weird for a civilian "greet" someone at gunpoint unless a specific threat is detected. I've never really seen that in my neck of the woods, even when the majority of people in the woods are armed (hunting season). As for how preemptive one has to be with a defensive tactic (gun or...
  11. G

    How are you guys handling yourselves in strange circumstances off the grid?

    It's easier to detect what doesn't fit in the wilds. In the big city I live near, "normal" has shifted so much in the last 24 months that I feel uneasy in neighborhoods that used to feel very relaxed. Gavin DeBecker's book "The Gift of Fear" goes into this at length.
  12. G

    How are you guys handling yourselves in strange circumstances off the grid?

    If you've had guns pointed at you on numerous occasions, you are such a statistical outlier that you should really evaluate how you find yourself in those situations. The vast majority of people have never had a gun pointed at them once, much less twice. "Numerous" is unheard of, especially...
  13. G

    How are you guys handling yourselves in strange circumstances off the grid?

    I'm alarmed that you are alarmed! Just kidding. No, there are not bad guys in every camp site. The woods are very safe. I typically carry a small pistol, concealed, quite often. That may sound alarming to some, but it is remarkably no big deal. I only carry where legal, which happens to be...
  14. G

    How are you guys handling yourselves in strange circumstances off the grid?

    A gun only escalates a situation if the other person knows you have it. That's why I never open carry, even in the backcountry. De-escalation is always preferred, but it is far from a 100% solution. In my experience it's a 50% solution, along with 49% avoidance and 1% using deterrence to end...
  15. G

    How are you guys handling yourselves in strange circumstances off the grid?

    I generally feel safer in the woods than the city. In the woods, I'm rarely alone, and being on public land there's not much restriction on carrying a firearm, which is nice. Unless I'm hunting and carrying a rifle, my sidearm is always concealed, even though open carry is perfectly legal. If...