Were the originals good vehicles? I know nothing about them, just curious
At the risk of jumping into the "generation wars" that seem to light up social media

there seems to be a weird trend among baby boomers and Gen Xe'rs (and I say that as a young boomer, born in 61', so really right on the cusp of the boomer/X era) to try and imbue the things of their youth with magical or supernatural qualities of value or performance. You will hear people extol the awesomeness of, say the original Mustang or the GTO or the Jeep Wagoneer or the Early Bronco. They will speak of them in hushed, reverential tones as if they were a relic of some ancient advanced civilization we'll never understand. "That car was so fast I couldn't believe it" they'll say about the Mustang. "I could go anywhere in that thing!" they'll say about the Bronco.
In reality, you could smoke an original Mustang with a cheap Hyundai. The Hyundai is quicker, faster, more reliable, quieter, safer, and more comfortable than that old Mustang will ever be.
In reality, that Early Bronco was a pig. It handled like a grocery cart, drank gas like a wino, and if you got 40,000 miles out of it without a major repair, you were lucky. Ditto for that International Scout or Blazer. Even the early Land Cruisers weren't that great compared to today (although the Japanese quality control made everybody in the automotive industry up their game, and we're all the better for it.)
What is happening, of course, is that people are confusing their fond nostalgic memories of the past with an actual vehicle and trying to impute the youthful, carefree freedom of youth onto the vehicle itself, all filtered through a heavy-haze of rose colored nostalgia about a past that wasn't all that great, if you look at it objectively.
Unfortunately, car companies know that people who think like this have lots of $$ to spend, so they devote a lot of energy to selling these middle aged dreamers something that promises them a return to their youth.
But just like a re-make of a so-so movie or TV series, it's never going to have the impact of the original, because the impact of the original was that it was new, unique and we experienced it when we were young and innocent.
You can re-create the 'Stang, or the Bronco, or the Wagoneer, but you can never re-create that youthful innocence no matter how hard you try.