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  • I wouldn't really call it difficult. Carpet Hill can be intimidating going down for some people. It's pretty steep and long. However, the trail is rough and rocky. So much so that I probably won't drive it again. 20 miles of non-stop bouldery road. The scenery is amazing though and I would say that it is worth doing at least once. I would definitely recommend a second vehicle also, it's pretty remote if you have problems.
    I have been eye balling that trail for a while and going to try and make it out this year. Was it difficult? Thanks!
    Indeed it is Turkey Creek on the east side of the range where Rug Road exits. Also, yes, I did do rug road.
    Hello, Saw your camping pic post. Wondering if the pic of Turkey Creek is the one by Rug Road. If so did you do Rug Road? Thanks!
    Sorry hadn't noticed your message sooner. I don't really have any GPS information as I just drive it by memory. It's also hard to explain the route with unmarked roads and trails. Go in from Marana and stay as close to the foothills as possible all the way arounds the north side. The south side of the range is all residential so you can't do much down there.
    I am looking to try and do the loop around the tortolitas like you did several years ago. Do you have any specific directions or GPS points you would be willing to share? Or any other suggestions in the tortolitas to take a short day run?
    Yes, we are going to do a loop around the Tortolitas and explore some roads that we have not yet explored on the north side.
    It was great meting you too. Hopefully you have more free time in the future, we get out quite a bit and would love to have you guys along.
    Hey Tim it was good to meet you last Friday. in the past i would spend all my free time in the hills. for the past 12 years i have had two jobs working six days a week getting out was not going to happen. i'm looking forward to the next outing. thanks again.
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