Scott Brady
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  • I am in the process of buying a g320, can you tell me the pros and cons of this vehicle? I know about , brabus motor/rebuild, just wondering how you feel with it at less hp. Do the ac work for you out in the az desert? I live in florida, so I need to know if the g320 ac is up to snuff?
    I am going to copy your g color scheme, except in white plastidip!
    Hi Scott,

    I have started a small business making drawer systems. I would like to possibly become a vendor on expo. For some reason I can't seem to navigate to the appropriate place to find more info. My website is I'm currently running a group buy on ih8mud in the 100 series section. Any help would be much appreciated!

    Hey Scott, just started getting into Overlanding, and had no idea we had such an awesome resource in Prescott.
    I'm starting a G build very soon and would love to pick your brain a bit if you find time. Thanks.
    What you do for this community is awesome. Thanks for all the hard work. You are truly inspiring. Travel safe.
    Hey Scott, I live in phoenix. Any chance of being able to drop by the office in Prescott sometime just to check the place out?

    Also if you ever have a second (your always keeping busy on cool adventures!) I wanted to get some info from you about how you register vehicles in Canada/Overseas and whether you can do that such as a D110 at a PO Box in Mexico and then just drive it in to the USA and use it there with mexican plates on it. Thanks bud.
    Thanks again for your kind offer :
    " If you need any support, or a place to work on your truck in AZ, feel free to stop by the Overland Journal and Expeditions West office."

    We met in Expo in 2010, we drove a previous version of the current truck.
    We are now divorcing. So, the truck is for sale.

    May I pick your brain ? I'd like to have your idea about a selling price for the vehicle as it is equipped.

    I know how much it would cost to build one (and how much I paid) but before i post a price I am gathering input from experienced overlanders.

    Thank you very much.

    Just a quick question for ya. I love the website, by the way. Spectacular site.

    My question is the following --> how can I get my pictures to show up when viewed by those who are not logged in??? I am posting a build thread about my GMC adventure van, but can only view pics when logged in. When viewing threads of other writers, this is not an issue. My friends are not able to view pics posted.

    Thanks for your help.


    Javier Festa
    Hello Scott really enjoy this Forum and appreciate all the Hard work and Dedication you all place into the Outdoor world.
    I am introducing my outdoors Mates to this Magnificent Forum.
    Big Thank you to all the People involved.
    Fairly new here and just got done reading this:
    Great piece. Living in northern New England I took particular interest in how you prepared your vehicle for the cold. At the end of the story you said, "Research the cold-weather testing performed by the manufacturer of your vehicle. All Toyota trucks are tested to –60°F; other manufacturers typically employ much less stringent standards." I have spend a few hours doing google searches for automotive cold weather testing using a dozen or so search terms and digging pages deep for each result. All I've been able to find so far are some aerial shots of some proving grounds and a bunch of IIHS reports. Could you reveal where you get your testing data from? I would love to compare the results from Toyota, Nissan, LR, Jeep, etc etc. Thanks!
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