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  1. J

    MB 1120 Coming to America! Purchase, Build and Now Travel!

    Hi Jon How far away are you from Montreal ? JP in Montreal with a Fuso 4x4, thinking getting a total composites box....
  2. J

    Newbie with Fuso FG

    now that I have a 2012 Fuso, I hear that they are lemon......lots of recalls, class action etc oh boy JP
  3. J

    Newbie with Fuso FG

    Thank you SkiFreak The PO told me he had done all the recalls, but I'll check anyhow, like you said ! Went to the car wash this morning ! JP
  4. J

    Newbie with Fuso FG

    Hello everyone ! Just to introduce myself, My name is Jean-Pierre, living in the Montreal region, french Quebecois, still making progress in English :) Last Friday, Friday the 12, I bought a 2012 Fuso FG 4x4, with 6500 km on it ! It was used for carrying Dynamite on site, and on the last 2...