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  1. C

    '99 Subaru Forester Build

    Looks like the Forester will be on the road tomorrow - it would have been today, but with Monday having been a holiday, the shop doing the inspection on it ran out of time to put it through before then. Thanks - it's definitely appreciated :) I'm shooting for a mixed average in the 23-25mpg...
  2. C

    '99 Subaru Forester Build

    Some actual progress :sombrero: The heads are back on and the car ran again for the first time yesterday. No overheating, leaks, or coolant and oil getting together and having a party in the crankcase, so it's 90% of the way there. Still on the to-do list are fitting the rear springs (the...
  3. C

    '99 Subaru Forester Build

    Agh - thought I'd linked to that, but evidently not. Here's a copy & paste of the original post about it over on I wanted to keep the pictures large to show as much detail as possible, so you'll have to click through to get to them. Exterior view, lid closed. The elbow is...
  4. C

    '99 Subaru Forester Build

    Time for a status update. Still waiting to get the heads put back together (long story, long wait), but they should hopefully be back on by the end of next week. While the car's been sitting, I've been taking care of smaller stuff. Installed a JVC KD-A815 stereo with XM receiver, mainly...
  5. C

    '99 Subaru Forester Build

    Thanks for the pointers on the lights - I think I'm going to copy your idea :D Anyway, things plod on with getting it running. The heads are back at the mechanic's shop; we're just waiting on an opening in the garage for him to be able to wheel it in and put it back together. Should happen...
  6. C

    Forester: ExPo Subaru Project

    Just to avoid cluttering this thread up further with my own stuff, I've started a thread here for my build. Work progresses, though we're not quite in the buildup stage yet :)
  7. C

    '99 Subaru Forester Build

    There's been some progress :) Heads are now off. Pistons and cylinder bores look good, and the problem appears to have been a burned valve and bad valve seal on the #4 cylinder. Why that happened isn't entirely clear, but at least I'm dealing with something salvageable. More background on...
  8. C

    '99 Subaru Forester Build

    Since I didn't want to clutter up the ExPo Subaru Forester project thread too much with what I'm doing on my own Forester, I figured I'd start this one to chronicle what's going on with it. Be warned: this is going to be a long post since I want to provide some context for why I'm doing a...
  9. C

    Forester: ExPo Subaru Project

    Good thing I'd subscribed to this thread - it had slipped my mind in the meantime :D While we're waiting for news on this one, here's a quick rundown of where I am with mine: Picked up a fully-loaded '99 S with the 4EAT autobox, working A/C, and 125,000 on the clock. Currently runs on 3.14...
  10. C

    Forester: ExPo Subaru Project

    Awesome, thanks for that. Funnily enough, my first stop for springs was OME (love the ones I've got on the XJ), but nothing from them for the Forester. Strange, too, because they used to make stuff for Subarus back in the EA81 era, IIRC.
  11. C

    Forester: ExPo Subaru Project

    No worries, and good to know it's moving along. Could you toss us some details on the springs? Haven't heard of the Ironman ones and would like to check them out.
  12. C

    Forester: ExPo Subaru Project

    Just found this thread, and am going to be keeping an eye on it as I'm planning on doing something similar in the next few months, though with an as-yet-to-be-purchased SF Forester. I'd really like an SG similar to the one you're doing the build on, but the pricing on them puts them out of my...