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  1. N

    Another Mercedes Vario Campervan

    The ship's been delayed till Wednesday which has given me time to get to the weighbridge. 4180 kg on the back axle 2640 kg for the front. According to the Toyo data book recommended inflation is 115psi for the rear. They don't provide data for the lighter load at the front but I'm guessing 70...
  2. N

    Another Mercedes Vario Campervan

    No need thanks, your docs are perfect.
  3. N

    Another Mercedes Vario Campervan

    Rejieu Tango 250. It's Spanish with a Chinese engine. Apparently the same Chinese factory that makes the BMW single. It’s very light, so light it's like riding a fully loaded mountain bike, which, when you're doing 65mph seems very strange. Having said all this it really is a bit cr*p...
  4. N

    Another Mercedes Vario Campervan

    I'm going Le Havre, Dakar, Santos, Montevideo. I understand it's just a few hours in each port so not much time for sightseeing. Ian, any chance you could email the link for the workshop manual? I've got the wis but would you believe the epc I bought off eBay fell in half!
  5. N

    Another Mercedes Vario Campervan

    I guess the rack is around 60kg, most of this is because it needs to slide to the side. It's a bit over engineered especially when compared to the commercial racks I've seen. Mind I'm not sure how well they'd standup to rough road conditions. The bike's only 100kg so I'm fairly sure it won't be...
  6. N

    Another Mercedes Vario Campervan

    I'll post some pictures when it's back from the galvaniser if I have time. On the boat with the truck to Montevideo 3rd march so things are a bit rushed.
  7. N

    Another Mercedes Vario Campervan

    Bike rack ready for galvanising:
  8. N

    Pre birth of a camper - No laughing!

    I think you'll be able to see from the photo the tightest point is at the bottom of the arch. This is after I cut it. Not very neat I'm afraid, I did it out on the tank track.