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  1. W

    M416 reconditioning to Army Specs.

    Trailer looks awesome. Got a question, where did you get that combat rated M416 decal. That is nice!
  2. W

    Picked up a M416, and let the build begin!

    As for the thickness. I think it was 1/8th tubing and the skin is 16 gauge. Its been a year, I tend to forget things. Canorisa. As far as the cables for the trailer. I just used some cable I had laying around. and some small cable clamps. Then got some eye bolts. Trailer looks good...
  3. W

    Picked up a M416, and let the build begin!

    Thanks for the feedback. I am up here in Northern Cal. by South Lake Tahoe As far as the lid, I had a very talented fabricator do the work. We went over a few designs, but basically he just ran with it. The one problem that made it a tougher job was that the trailer itself was not exactly...
  4. W

    Picked up a M416, and let the build begin!

    Got it all done. Have used it quite a lot. Tows great. 65mph. No problem. Actually just started about a 3k trip with it. Waterproof.
  5. W

    Picked up a M416, and let the build begin!

    Finally got around to getting the rims done. Wanted to get rid of the tubes, so went and got a can of spray epoxy, cleaned up the rims, got the rivets down to bare metal, and sprayed it on. Also did the rivets on the back side of the rim. Used engine ceramic enamel paint, seems to hold up a lot...
  6. W

    Picked up a M416, and let the build begin!

    Pretty much done. Got the inside of the tub Line x'ed. Decided to use Dri Dek on the inside bottom, that way if anything leaks, etc, the cargo won't be sitting in it. A pile of all the original bolts and such that came apart. Thats the part I did not budget very well. Getting all new hardware...
  7. W

    Picked up a M416, and let the build begin!

    Have just been using my iphone and magic fairy dust!. It has only happened here on this site. Got the lid on, fenders on, now its just a few more bolts and its done, well maybe.
  8. W

    Picked up a M416, and let the build begin!

    Thats probably the only thing that there is not a APP for! Thanks
  9. W

    Picked up a M416, and let the build begin!

    Thanks for the offer. I want to try and stay with the original rims. I understand that if you have the rims that need tubes, you can epoxy paint the inside of the rims and they are good to without tubeless tires. What are combat rims? Sounds cool! So many things to think about!!!!! Again, thanks.
  10. W

    Retiring to Cooper AT3 on my M416

    Not a bad idea. So did you epoxy the inside of the rim, cause I want to powder coat the outside to match paint on trailer. Did yours have the rivets? Just trying to get this figured out. Really want to keep the original look.
  11. W

    Retiring to Cooper AT3 on my M416

    Thanks for the reply. Is there a way to to tell if they the ones I have are original. They look like the ones is this pic. I have looked over the "net" and can't seem to find anybody that deals them or more direct info. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. W

    Retiring to Cooper AT3 on my M416

    Nice looking trailer. Question? Those are the original rims I assume, so are the Coopers tubed. I talked with the local tire store that carries Cooper, and he said those rims needed to be tubed. Due to the rivets on the back side. Cause I have the original tires also and want to change out...
  13. W

    Picked up a M416, and let the build begin!

    Next stop, Line X the inside of the tub and tailgate. Then let the "final" part begin. Getting the lid and fenders on, etc. Although, I already have visions of more stuff to do to it. Glad I kept the original axle. Getting the brakes to adjust took some time, but now it holds great. I have...
  14. W

    Picked up a M416, and let the build begin!

    Pretty good, getting it all home (with blankets, etc) only had a few places that rubbed and it really didn't get through the coating. Had the tub sitting on the frame and all the other stuff inside. But I think next time I go this route, I am going to color everything the color of Never Seize...
  15. W

    Picked up a M416, and let the build begin!

    Springs and axle hug. Want to find washers for between the nuts and axle pins so it does not screw up coating. The only problem, its 95 in the garage, and the beer does not last. And thats with a big ol fan going! Sorry about the sideways shot.
  16. W

    Picked up a M416, and let the build begin!

    Got all the parts back that were getting powder coated. they grey is as close is I could get to the original color that was on it. Outside of tub is also coated. All the other parts are painted. I used Krud Kutter Metal Clean and Etch to clean all the other parts that didn't. Then engine enamel...
  17. W

    Picked up a M416, and let the build begin!

    This was a couple of days ago. Its now at the powder coating shop. Just about everything but the inside of the tub, (Line X), and the axle and drums. Kept those here and did some fine tuning to the brakes, etc. I would also like to give a shout out to the builder of the lid and back bumper...
  18. W

    Picked up a M416, and let the build begin!

    Here are a couple of the rear bumper. The tab the on the side attaches to the tub. The lid is done, but is off for the rest of the work. Sand blast and powder coat!