Search results

  1. Xoothe

    New 270 Awning available.

    Why not get two left rhinorack batwings and make a 360 degree awning? Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk
  2. Xoothe

    New luxury Roof Top Camper soon on the market.

    I have a feeling that if you have $25k to blow on a hipster tent then you probably don't care about the risk. Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk
  3. Xoothe

    New luxury Roof Top Camper soon on the market.

    I like the idea. A lot of roof top tents looks like they are made by the same Chinese manufacturer and rebranded for a price of like $3k+. I like seeing new stuff in the market even though I'm not buying a tent more expensive than any car I've ever owned. Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk
  4. Xoothe

    New luxury Roof Top Camper soon on the market.

    That price tag just hurts to look at. Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk
  5. Xoothe

    Any non-folding out hard shell RTT's around 80 inches?

    Are there any James Baroud sellers in the United States that aren't selling them at giant markups? If you check the US website there going for $3k-$4k but nothing is in stock and everywhere else they start at $4.5k+.