Search results

  1. Sal R.

    2002 Sequoia Limited 4WD

    MODIFICATION: Radio Stays on During Crank GOAL: Keep radio on while cranking car from ACC position. PURPOSE: It was ALWAYS annoying hanging out in the car, listening to BT audio, only for the radio to shut off when turning over the car and resetting the connection. MATERIALS: 2200 uF 35V...
  2. Sal R.

    2002 Sequoia Limited 4WD

    Thanks for taking the time. ?
  3. Sal R.

    2002 Sequoia Limited 4WD

    I did a quick flex test at a loading ramp at work and got the following results. In short, I attained 15" of wheel travel (stuffed to droop) with the new shock and control arm setup. I can achieve another 1-2", maybe more, if I re-adjust the limit straps lower since the coil has room to extend...
  4. Sal R.

    2002 Sequoia Limited 4WD

    Best shocks to use with LC100 OME rear coil springs 2"-5" of lift, off-the-shelf. Dobinson shocks: GS59-685: armored rear, oversized full size spare, geared to the teeth. GS59-575: Stock rear, oversized full size spare, with fair amount of gear. *** Thanks to Jim Smola's efforts, he was able...
  5. Sal R.

    2002 Sequoia Limited 4WD

    It appears that the LC100 icons are no more than 25" long extended. I wouldn't recommend them for OME coils if you're looking to maximize your articulation.
  6. Sal R.

    2002 Sequoia Limited 4WD

    Got some rough measurements on the Toytec rear shock. It appears to be 25-26" extended. A decent option, dimensionally speaking, if you go with Dobinson coils like me, but too short of any applicable OME rear coil. Can't speak to the valving or ride quality.
  7. Sal R.

    2002 Sequoia Limited 4WD

    Considering the shocks are also applicable to the FJC, I'm going out on a limb here and believe they are spec'd like the 5100s and are too short for the Sequoia, despite being labelled for 3" of lift. I'm willing to bet the shocks are, at most, 26" in length, and that is short for an OME...
  8. Sal R.

    2002 Sequoia Limited 4WD

    TECH: Sequoia Rear Shock Dimension and Data RESULTS: I've cycled the suspension from droop to stuffed with the 5125s fitted and verified that the following dimension data are the proper shock dimensions for those using OME 286x (2860, 2861, 2862, etc.) rear coils (up to 480mm free height), even...
  9. Sal R.

    2002 Sequoia Limited 4WD

    MODIFICATION: Bilstein 5125 Rear Shocks GOAL: Verify shock dimensions before getting spendy with custom rear shocks for the Sequoia. PURPOSE: This is research and development. Custom shocks are expensive and before I drop the cash on it, I want to make sure I've got the right numbers. Given...
  10. Sal R.

    Should I buy a 1st Gen Sequoia?

    Gen1 Sequoias suffer from the LBJ issue that plagues T4Rs and Tacos. At 240k miles, that is a key inspection item.
  11. Sal R.

    2002 Sequoia Limited 4WD

    Thanks! It's a nice feeling that I stand apart. Although, I do get a chuckle when I get the occasional "nice 4runner" compliments.
  12. Sal R.

    2002 Sequoia Limited 4WD

    It'd be nice to take advantage of the allowable, unrestricted travel the links provide, but I don't want the ride height or high CG, as a result. (That'd make an awesome #flexfriday shot though). The mounting means it'll have to custom built ($$$). I doubt the lower pin can take the shock...
  13. Sal R.

    2002 Sequoia Limited 4WD

    I wasn't comfortable with fixing the spring with tabs of some sort and I wasn't comfortable drilling into the perch of the axle housing. Plus, I have in-coil bags which complicates things. I need to safely test a shock fitment that has an extended length of 28" for the greater community...
  14. Sal R.

    2002 Sequoia Limited 4WD

    This mod was rather unplanned and last minute. So I didn't do too much research on them. A local shop I frequent, which also caters to the off-road community, had the clevis and sleeves in stock so I purchased it from them not really knowing who made them. The straps have "DJS-Safety" sewn...
  15. Sal R.

    2002 Sequoia Limited 4WD

    MODIFICATION: Rear Limit Straps GOAL: Limit the downward articulation to keep the rear coils from falling out. PURPOSE: With the advent of longer shocks, it donned on me that without a swaybar connected, the rear suspension with the Califab rear control arms has more droop travel than the...
  16. Sal R.

    2002 Sequoia Limited 4WD

    None of those. I went with 33-230375. Sadly, it does not fit out of the box. The lower shock eye mount needs to be bored out from 5/8" to 3/4". Gonna need a big ass drill bit...
  17. Sal R.

    2002 Sequoia Limited 4WD

    Got lots in the coming couple of weeks. Stay tuned. And thanks!
  18. Sal R.

    *RickRunner* - Rickashay's 05 T4R

    That vid was really something. I believe the grip theme was very well communicated. Nicely done. I have the STT Pros, as well. With the exception of icy slush, the STTs have taken everything I have thrown at it so far with not a mark to show for it. Quiet for a DD and wearing out very...
  19. Sal R.

    2002 Sequoia Limited 4WD

    Pretty much where I'm at. Taking measurements and testing to see if I can find an off-the-shelf solution or go custom. Thanks! The Sequoia has been solid. When I was looking, T4Rs were too small and LCs were underpowered and/or expensive for what they were, IMO. It has gotten my family...