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  1. H

    GoalZero Yeti 400 Lithium only puts out 10.9 volts

    finally - I just spoke to GZ and here is their solution to this problem with the lithium 1000+ Yetis not being able to run a fridge from the 12V port consistently. I used my REI dividend and will have one on Friday. I'll test it out this weekend...
  2. H

    Goal Zero Yeti 400 Experiences?

    here is their solution to not being able to run a fridge from the lithium Yeti 1000+ I'm having trouble getting the link to work but search for 12v regulated cable.
  3. H

    GoalZero Yeti 400 Lithium only puts out 10.9 volts

    I don't have any more info. I just hope that their solution does not rely upon the expansion port since I already filled that with the MPPT module
  4. H

    GoalZero Yeti 400 Lithium only puts out 10.9 volts

    Breathing some life into an old thread because I spoke to GZ last week and was told that they are releasing a 12V booster of some sort early next year to address the problem of not being able to power a fridge with the Li Yetis. I have Li 1400 and it will not run my older ARB 50 or a new ARB...
  5. H

    Goal Zero Yeti 400 Experiences?

    I'd like to add that I am having the same problem with the Yeti 1400 Lithium. The 12V power turns off no matter how I hook up my ARB 50. The stock 12V cig plug did not work, so I purchased GZs 12V cig to 6mm adapter. That did not work either. I called GZ and they sent a 6mm to Anderson adapter...
  6. H

    2014 Manley ORV Utility Trailer

    Sorry to vanish for a bit. I've begun working 7 days a week and must do so through mid June. I'm looking for a trailer for an August trip to Carova beach which I see is much closer to you than to me...
  7. H

    2014 Manley ORV Utility Trailer

    Nice looking trailer. This really has my interest. I need to find out what MD requires as far as title/registration for a trailer. How far from Baltimore are you?
  8. H

    FS: Optimus 80 camp stove

    welcome back to life this zombie thread.... Did you ever sell this? I inherited one of these Optimus 80 stoves and a Svea 123. Just curious what they are all about. Cheers!