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  1. C

    Build Thread- 2003 Red Cross ERV- Rambolance

    I think the name might stick... we went to the beach last week and my wife suggested it after I mentioned many of the build threads here named their rigs... anyway I picked up a Red Cross ERV from a local auction. It’s a 2003 with 36k and 1700 hours. 7.3, type 3. You really don’t want to know...
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    Ambulance Camper/ Expedition Rig Conversion FAQ

    Here you go:
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    Ambulance Camper/ Expedition Rig Conversion FAQ

    Progressing on my build. Guess I need to start my own build thread! Truck is dropped off at the paint shop (I did all the prep- removed everything, sanded etc. The shop will remove the front and rear doors) where it wil be painted "Lead foot Grey"- a Ford color. The BGF tires and new front...
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    Ambulance Camper/ Expedition Rig Conversion FAQ

    That channel is strong stuff- great choice. I'll probably do something similar when adding my fan and ac stuff.
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    HAMBO build thread

    after a week of sanding/ prepping etc I just dropped mine off at the paint shop today. Going with Lead Foot Grey....
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    98 E-350 Type II McCoy Miller Ambulance Conversion

    great job! thank you for sharing and I cant wait to see whats next!
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    Intech RV

    I just sold my Flyer Explore. Held its value pretty well but we also did'nt use it... Purchase price was close to $20k with taxes etc. Very nicely built camper and will hold several dirt bikes. NOT an overland camper- just does not have the suspension/ lift etc. I had to bend over walking in...
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    Ambulance Camper/ Expedition Rig Conversion FAQ

    Very cool! Thanks for posting the pics of the capper. Guess I’ll be leaving mine... suppose it will help with mpg somewhat. Just a bit ugly. Hoping that it’s less ugly grey. Love the heated floor! Mine is going to the paint shop on Tuesday... will be lead foot grey with the white top. We’ve...
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    Ambulance Camper/ Expedition Rig Conversion FAQ

    Went ahead and removed the wall...
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    Ambulance Camper/ Expedition Rig Conversion FAQ

    It is built like an ambulance with large diameter aluminum square tubing
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    Ambulance Camper/ Expedition Rig Conversion FAQ

    Here is the interior before removing the walls: and I really like what these folks did... will likely use similar finishing for a "warm" interior.
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    Ambulance Camper/ Expedition Rig Conversion FAQ

    Hello! Big thanks to everyone who has taken the time to document their conversion projects. As i take on this project the info is invaluable! I picked up a Red Cross ERV. 2003, 7.3 with only 36k and 1700h- so it did not sit idling. I had a diesel shop go through it and they replaced the...
  13. C

    Looking for a Rock and Roll bed

    I’m working hard on my 2003 E450 Red Cross ERV conversion and have begun to collect parts for the interior. I think the best solution for my floor plan is a rock and roll seat/ bed. This way I can have the kids buckled in safely when driving and make a decent bed for overnight accommodations...