without the cabin
The window is bigger then stock, a Reimo window to slide open. In the cabins front wall is a matching window, allowing emegerncy exit to the cab..
I liked the look, would be nice as a flat bed...
if you have any technical questions I try to answer and see if I...
some from the build up time:
placing the J4 body on the 80 frame. It´s sitting further toward the front then original when the 1HD-T is keept in place. Still very little space is left when the visko-clutch fan is used. The Body has to be mounted higher to provide space for the tires...
First we wanted to stretch the frame and make a longer cabine with an upright back.
While making the first set up we noticed, that we might go without touching the frame...
here finding the design, this was no good:frown:
the metall work, stretching the J4 body and the fenders, the build up...
Haven described everything better then I could already...
I have just a few digital pictures from friends or dias I´ve scanned. So they will be pretty much the same as already posted on mud...
thanks for invitation ...
and for the compliments on our camper ;)
it is still under construction and often anoying us :yikes: with necessary but unexpected and long lasting problemsolvings....
I will have some time Friday night to rummage in your forum...seems to be just about the...
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