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  1. J

    Traversing the US (and back)

    Foy, your help back in the planning months of this trip was spot on and a huge help. The most remote area we crossed was the northern Nevada/southern idaho and Oregon traverse. You are on your own once you get out there. We strayed from our route and went just south of Jarbridge but ended up on...
  2. J

    Traversing the US (and back)

    Day 10: Cathedral to Ouray, CO Up Houghton Gulch the views were amazing. And then we started down Mineral Creek. As a side note, adding to the tension in the vehicle, my wife kept shoving the GPS in my face showing me that the road along Mineral Creek (the one we were on) ended. She...
  3. J

    Land Cruiser 200 - an overland build up

    Do you have plans for a fan(ventilation) or for mosquito netting? I just spent 57 days out - had mosquito netting for windows, wanted a fan. I'm very jealous of your build. When we go around the world I want to work with a V8 diesel like yours! Why is America so backwards when it comes to...
  4. J

    Traversing the US (and back)

    Day 10: Cathedral to Ouray, CO Over Cinnamon, up Houghton Gulch (back towards Engineer) and then down the Mineral Creek. Mineral Creek was definitely a step up - maxed out clearance and off-camber. Too bad I was probably destroying something in the front-end. Lunch and poser pics...
  5. J

    Traversing the US (and back)

    Day 10: Cathedral to Ouray, CO I chose Cinnamon Pass over the more popular Engineer simply because I've done Engineer before and I wanted to see American Basin. The photos speak for themselves. We have tons and it's hard to pick the best. Also, if you can't tell all of these are unedited and...
  6. J

    Traversing the US (and back)

    Day 10: Cathedral to Ouray, CO We continued down and back into civilization. This was a little community called Cathedral. As Stephanie was taking this photo I distinctly remember having that gut-wrenching/dropping feeling of something not right with the car. Every morning I went...
  7. J

    Traversing the US (and back)

    Day 9 end I wanted to stop and camp at Willow Park. It would have been an incredible campsite, sheltered with trees with open views at all sides. But at over 11000 feel we decided it was too cold a spot for the kids. Previous nights at over 9000" the kids sleeping bags were maxed out. Next time...
  8. J

    Traversing the US (and back)

    Day 9 continued Dropping out of the Rio Grande NF we hit state highway 114 and took it west for about a mile before heading southwest onto some smaller NF roads that would eventually lead us onto 790, Cebolla Creek. We also passed through more beautiful high meadows: Burro Park, Big Meadow...
  9. J

    Traversing the US (and back)

    Day 9: Stormking - near Lake City,CO We woke up did some exploring and got on the road. We climbed up to Carnero pass on NF 690 then took a westward turn into Lower South Park, the big open meadow. This was a great section with lots of trails that crisscross the entire Rio Grande. And there was...
  10. J

    Traversing the US (and back)

    Day 8 continued Another relatively short day that we really enjoyed. We were starting to hit a good pace at this point.
  11. J

    Traversing the US (and back)

    Day 8 continued So when we entered the park, running from east to west, we basically got in for free. We were excited about the little known back door through the pass. However, when we arrived at the park entrance (we were exiting), there was an exit station checking for park passes. We were...
  12. J

    Clothes washing on the trail....

    Good point. We would wait until we knew we had rinse water to do any laundry.
  13. J

    Clothes washing on the trail....

    Or try this one:
  14. J

    Clothes washing on the trail....

    We used a 5 gallon bucket on our longer trips. In the US you can find them at pool supply companies. They hold dry chlorine and the lids screw on water-tight. I think a 3.5 gallon or thereabouts would be a better size. The french seem to have found the perfect bucket for the job. I'm not sure...
  15. J

    Traversing the US (and back)

    Day 8 continued Sweet, sand driving. This was my first experience driving in sand (and it wasn't even very deep) but it was trickier than I'd expected even aired down. I could have aired down more but didn't really have any trouble so it wasn't needed. We loved the dichotomy of the...
  16. J

    Traversing the US (and back)

    Day 8 continued On this section of road we also saw our first bear of the trip. It was a medium sized black bear that turned on its haunches right in the middle or the road as we came around a turn. And then we finally saw the dunes. And took a lunch break and the...
  17. J

    Traversing the US (and back)

    Did you have to pay the fee at the exit of the park?
  18. J

    Traversing the US (and back)

    Day 8: Medano Pass to Stormking Mountain, CO We headed up Medano Pass headed towards the Great Sand Dunes National Park. Years ago we lived in this area and drove by the sand dunes often on the highways but never made it over to see them. Lucky for us, this was a no-highways trip and our route...