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  1. calledtocreation

    DEATH VALLEY RUN - President day weekend

    Carlos, That is a brilliant plan :D I say that not really knowing what it all means, but I like your leadership!!! If I have a vote, I would like to bed down in an area that allows :REOutCampFire03::campfire: but if that can't happen I'm still looking forward to it all :wings: :smiley_drive...
  2. calledtocreation


    I am pretty familiar with the Sedona area as my mother in law lives there and yes this would be a perfect rig for that area. I look forward to hearing from you.
  3. calledtocreation


  4. calledtocreation

    DEATH VALLEY RUN - President day weekend

    Carlos, I am not at all familiar with the routes in DV, that's why I decided to join this adventure. I noticed there are two areas that mention experienced 4x4 vehicles / drivers required, or something like that. Could you give me an idea of what trail rating that would be (scale of 1-5)?? I...
  5. calledtocreation

    First Expedition: Mojave Road East to West in a JKUR with an IH Scout

    How much water can you ford in the Subie?
  6. calledtocreation

    First Expedition: Mojave Road East to West in a JKUR with an IH Scout

    Yeah. Water was just below the bumper on the Scout at the first water crossing. I would say around 2/3rds up the 35" tire. What vehicle will you be in, I'm guessing the Forester?
  7. calledtocreation

    First Expedition: Mojave Road East to West in a JKUR with an IH Scout

    Chazz thanks for the comments. The Scout did have 35's. The deepest water crossing was the first of the two in Afton Canyon, directly adjacent to the train bridge and was probably 30" at the most.
  8. calledtocreation

    First Expedition: Mojave Road East to West in a JKUR with an IH Scout

    Afton Canyon was amazing and photo opportunities abound. We decided it would be mandatory to visit Afton Canyon again as a weekend trip to explore more and take some photos that would have better lighting. As we traveled up the canyon we started seeing our first sign of water. Nick and...
  9. calledtocreation

    First Expedition: Mojave Road East to West in a JKUR with an IH Scout

    Hey look more… There are some mines in the area and a couple of interested buildings and canyons to explore in the area, but at this point as you can see in the photo above the sun was setting and we don't really enjoy setting up camp in the dark. With Nick and Guss giving us the green light...
  10. calledtocreation

    First Expedition: Mojave Road East to West in a JKUR with an IH Scout

    Photo restrictions prevented me from posting it all in one post -
  11. calledtocreation

    First Expedition: Mojave Road East to West in a JKUR with an IH Scout

    Breakfast was tasty…. Now back to the regularly scheduled programming :lurk: Where was I …. ah yes… Sitting by the fire :REOutCampFire03: was necessary as the temp dipped in the upper 30's prior to retiring to the tent. No one knows for sure how cold it was that night, Mike slept on the...
  12. calledtocreation

    First Expedition: Mojave Road East to West in a JKUR with an IH Scout

    Thanks for all the positive comments. I look forward to finishing this up after breakfast :coffee:
  13. calledtocreation

    First Expedition: Mojave Road East to West in a JKUR with an IH Scout

    And don't ruin it by searching through my galleries to find more shots, they're coming :D
  14. calledtocreation

    First Expedition: Mojave Road East to West in a JKUR with an IH Scout

    First off I always start by thanking my Lord and Savior ************************ for blessing me with the ability to do what I do for a living and for allowing me to enjoy his Creation. I also need to thank a few of the people I have met through Expedition Portal that have made my experiences on Portal...
  15. calledtocreation

    DEATH VALLEY RUN - President day weekend

    Any updates on a route yet?? :088:
  16. calledtocreation

    SOLD PETT/Cleanwaste/Go Anywhere portable toilet $35 in Phoenix

    I will take it. I'm heading home to CA from sedona in the morning please caller text me ASAP 7142967244
  17. calledtocreation

    Sorry again. The ad said pending sale and I found a new 4 gallon for $75 shipped so I already...

    Sorry again. The ad said pending sale and I found a new 4 gallon for $75 shipped so I already ordered that. I could still use yours too but I can't offer you your asking price and I would want to see if they will mount where I want to put them first.
  18. calledtocreation

    2012 JKL Rubicon build

    Man I just read through this whole thread today because it was bumped up to the top by your post of selling it. Hope everything works out for you. Thank you for your inspiration but more importantly for serving our country!! God Bless :)