I havent done any work involving the harness.
I disconnected the upper and lower right side tail lights. Im under the impression those are the only lights on that circuit.
Im having trouble with my right side tail lights. The fuse controlling the circuit keeps popping. I disconnected the actual light assemblies but the fuse still blows as soon as i turn the lights on. So..short somewhere...anyone have an idea of where i should start?
Thanks in advance.
Finally got around to painting it...wife and i did it as a project together and think it came out really well..used rustoleum painters touch with the primer mixed in it...cleaned it all with a steel wool brush real well prior to spraying..looks way better in my opinion.
Im looking into that stuff...i really like the look and functionality...the thing is my wife has taken a like to the truck and it may very well be her daily driver...and her tastes are a bit more button down than mine...but im working on her!!.
That would include the front bumper cover ( as well as the fender flares)...i haven't seen pics of whats behind there..just thinking it would look better monochrome.
Success!! Just got the new motor pump combo in the mail and slapped it in the truck...bleeding went fairly easily and my new truck is on the road...happy happy! Clean truck..200k on the odometer and ive got a thousand bucks in it total right now...ready to do some customizing now!
Ive started a return thru ebay..i have the option of a refund or exchange for another one...do i roll the dice again? I paid 225 for it..seen new ones in the 550 range.
Well...pulled the whole unit and removed the hbb motor...straight wired it to a battery and got nothing...looks like ebay parts have proven unreliable once again...at least i know that once i can get another one i can put it all back together in about 30 mins thanks to all the practice ive gotten!!
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