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  1. D

    Heads UP! For an exceptional company!

    No dolly for the toad. I flat tow the jeep with a custom tow bar off the pintle hitch. It's a bit longer and beefier than the usual bar but breaks into three pieces for easy storage on & in the jeep. Incidentally, I use a RoadMaster "BrakeMaster 9160" proportionate braking system for the...
  2. D

    Heads UP! For an exceptional company!

    Yes, it's actually surprising how few guess correctly that it's a camper even when we have the windows open. Generally they engage some sort of transference and declare it to be whatever it is that they'd most want it to be. If I'm outside they will ask "What is *in* that thing?" thus...
  3. D

    Heads UP! For an exceptional company!

    Yes, you've got that right. That's me following my wife up the Appalachian Trail. Eastern PA and now Northern NJ are proving very challenging wrt finding nice camping spots and maneuvering / exploration in general although we did wind up in a nice stealth site along a creek in the DWG...
  4. D

    UAV for video?

    A couple years ago I had good luck with live video feed from a DraganFly four-bladed helicopter. Since then they've got fancy and offer everything from hobby grade to police grade systems. Here's a couple links:
  5. D

    Windshield Protection

    I've been contemplating same -- that $$$$ U-500 heated windshield is just begging to be broken. I think when the Van Pelts spent their year in South America with their U-500 they took a hit but were fortunate to be just a few miles from a place that could repair it before it spread. They...
  6. D

    UNIMOG sighting

    Yup, guilty as charged. We were headed into town for some resupply since my wife is doing the AT approach trail tomorrow as a bit of a shakedown. Looks like we're going to just hang here now until the early AM. Yesterday we had a good time running USFS 42 from one end to the other. At one...
  7. D

    UNIMOG sighting

    Thanks for the invitation, Bob. I'll be sure to give the area a scan tonight --- We're camped at Amicalola Falls State Park tonight and, lo, we find a blazing Verizon EVDO signal out here. Web party tonight! LOL Thanks for the Jones Creek reference. The campground here is full Saturday...
  8. D

    UNIMOG sighting

    Regarding frame lengthening and splices of pneumatic lines, cables, and similar it is at least the case on mine that these splices are not present. The lines seem to have simply been run anew from the appropriate junction points. I once hit a snag when replacing a rear ABS sensor with...
  9. D

    UNIMOG sighting

    The main tanks carry 170 gallons (160 usable) and are positioned such that that more of their load is carried by the front axle than the rear. The same is true of the 130 gallon water tank. This truck came with a lengthened frame and that's really made a huge difference in cargo capacity...
  10. D

    UNIMOG sighting

    No, we debated it for some while but Appalachian Trail fever won out in the end and we decided "streak" eastward towards Springer Mountain so that we could get Tina launched on that. The snow conditions there are still tough but we're trying to time things such that there's enough of the year...
  11. D

    UNIMOG sighting

    Hi guys. My wife and I are the guilty parties here. :) We don't plan to bring the JK when out of country and actually we only tow the thing when doing very long range repositioning. The usual drill is that one of us drives it as a scout vehicle ("Um, honey, you might want to stop and come...