Search results

  1. SoCal_80

    WTB: Hannibal Awning

    It is 72inches....But I am going to take it. Just working out the details now.:sombrero:
  2. SoCal_80

    Mojave Preserve- Hole in the Wall Campground

    Finally did a "report" and added some photos......:sombrero::sombrero: The post is over on Mud as not to duplicate things...
  3. SoCal_80

    WTB: Hannibal Awning

    PM sent.
  4. SoCal_80

    WTB: Hannibal Awning

    Does it have the sides or just the awning? Thanks!
  5. SoCal_80

    WTB: Hannibal Awning

    No doubt! At this rate we will be off of the Duo invite list as things will start to turn up "missing" when we go out!:ylsmoke:
  6. SoCal_80

    Overland Journal: rack & awnings for sale

    Anyone heard from OJ? The suspense is killing me!! Anyhow, it looks like i have "shipping" squared away (Thanks Andrew), so I am eagerly awaiting a PM. Thanks! Andrew - It looks like you are first up for the Foxwing and me for the AO!
  7. SoCal_80

    WTB: Hannibal Awning

    Bump. Still looking.
  8. SoCal_80

    Overland Journal: rack & awnings for sale

    Pm sent on awning
  9. SoCal_80

    WTB: Hannibal Awning

    PM sent
  10. SoCal_80

    WTB: Hannibal Awning

    I had the wrench out in the Mojave and should have swiped it in the middle of the night! You and Yosh would never have heard me sealed up in the teardrop!
  11. SoCal_80

    WTB: Hannibal Awning

    Looking for a used, but in good shape Hannibal Awning. If you have one, just let me know. Thanks!:sombrero:
  12. SoCal_80

    Mojave Preserve- Hole in the Wall Campground

    Hey Scott/Dave - Had a great weekend with you guys (as well as the rest of the group)! Had a great run, great food and the scenery could not be beat. Looking forward to doing it again soon and I will have some of my pics up shortly.
  13. SoCal_80

    Boy scout troop in AZ needs snow shoes

    rei ....
  14. SoCal_80

    good find on So Cal Craigslist

    I think this already sold....
  15. SoCal_80

    Lets see the Expo Cruisers!

    Sweet 62!:sombrero:
  16. SoCal_80

    WTB: Used Trasharoo

    Pm sent
  17. SoCal_80

    Land Cruiser Photos

    Hey, did your brother buy that 60 6 months or so ago? I think he bought it from Dave, a friend of mine.
  18. SoCal_80

    Expeditions West: FZJ80 Land Cruiser

    Thank you!
  19. SoCal_80

    Expeditions West: FZJ80 Land Cruiser

    Thanks! Do you happen to know which hitch carrier you are using? Maybe a photo??? Thank you again! Cheers - Sean