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  1. R

    hallmark popup canvas questions

    I was wondering if anyone elese has a hallmark around 86. The length is 74l x76 wide and cab overhang is 29 in. Also the bed seems small has anyone ever added to bed by folding over a piece to make wider and adding say cleats to side .Im still thinking about it the guy said 900 instead of 1200...
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    hallmark popup canvas questions

    There is no rotten wood just bottom pooping out a little on one side,The camper top is in good shape .I was just thinking down the road .Im a carpenter so the wood work and interior mods dont scare me.Just wondering about canvas. Do you have pics of your camper and canvas and did you have to...
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    hallmark popup canvas questions

    Hi guys i came across a hallmark 86 popup truck camper.The guy want 1200 but it needs work .I offered him 700 .They are hard to come by around here for small trucks like a ranger , he had it on tacoma and i measured it would fit .It has good canvas on outside and just needs one spot to fix...
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    NEED HELP FASsunlite truck camper for ford ranger anyone know about what year / info

    Thanks guys didnt get to go look at it had issue with truck.I just so another one for sale its a 84 sunlite hawk.3 way ridge sink stove looks good i might give guy a call tomorrow to go see it he wants a grand .I looked up on internet say it way 920lbs with 20 lb tank and 10 gallons on...
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    NEED HELP FASsunlite truck camper for ford ranger anyone know about what year / info

    Anyone help please.Is it hard to fix screens on them?
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    NEED HELP FASsunlite truck camper for ford ranger anyone know about what year / info

    Sorry everyone about email instead of link.Thanks for bringing it up.
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    NEED HELP FASsunlite truck camper for ford ranger anyone know about what year / info

    I might be taking a 3hr ride to go look at it.This what o know it 7' camper has heat fridge ,stove was wondering any idea of year or any model if u know.I looks great from video and up close pic .Everything work s krank broke but he said he lifts manually and it stays open.Two screens riped but...
  8. R Hey i dont know if it fits your truck but look... Hey i dont know if it fits your truck but look at this 400 .
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    Starcraft Aero 700 1986

    Ya it was a old style the krank was on outside to lift t up.The bed where u sleep was wet and mildew.The gas line where out and popcanvas looked bad.I dont mine doing work because im a carpenter but it looked tired.Ya long day 9 hrs of driving.There a lot out in colorado where you live that...
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    looking ford truck campr ford ranger /mass/nh/maine

    Hi everyone the one i looked at fell through.Just wondering if anyone finds one in this area if they coule let me know.Thanks
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    Starcraft Aero 700 1986

    Went today after a 4 1/2 ride one way Big waste of time.IT was bigger than what should be on a ranger i think.On to the next one.Plus krank was on outside so it must be old.Thanks for help tanglefoot.
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    Starcraft Aero 700 1986

    Does the the fabric or soft part of camper hard to fix if anything wrong?Do they ever pop out or anything like that.The only stuff i know is They took out old stove unit .The heat works great clean ,no leaks and inside is in good shape.Where would it say year she can't find it.Im also going to...
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    Starcraft Aero 700 1986

    Hi Guys I have a chance to maybe get a starcraft aero 700 .The owners are older people.It looks great from pic of got should i be looking for anything bad on those campers.Any info would be great .Keep fingers crossed for me it 4hrs away and i cant wait.Hopefully i will be going in morning .
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    Pop or hard side camper for ford ranger

    I was leaning toward a pop up for weight and wind resistance.Im currently looking at a couple one far away than i want and the other a lot closer but guy is a pain to get a hold of.Also if anyone has a quick way to attach it till i get home to have proper install.I was also thinking if i find...
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    Pop or hard side camper for ford ranger

    Hi Everyone im new here.I have been wanting one for years now for my ranger.Could anyone tell me which one you would get.Im going to look for a used one .I have found one pop up but its not close to me it would be about a 9 hr ride for me .I have to call lady later bout it .It was on a ranger...