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  1. Healeyjet

    M2 Freightliner Ambulance Conversion Project. 2007 Crew Cab

    Coachgeo, ya I wish they would call it something other than a "composting toilet". It is more of a desiccant than anything. Ward
  2. Healeyjet

    M2 Freightliner Ambulance Conversion Project. 2007 Crew Cab

    Coachgeo, we usually dump ours at home but I am not sure what law you would be breaking by bagging it and throwing it in a garage can with diapers. I am pretty sure the peat moss or coconut coir and poo will decompose long before that baby diaper or adult diaper. I am not sure there is any...
  3. Healeyjet

    M2 Freightliner Ambulance Conversion Project. 2007 Crew Cab

    OZ, we have the Nature's Head and love it!! Ward
  4. Healeyjet

    M2 Freightliner Ambulance Conversion Project. 2007 Crew Cab

    Nice to make some progress! Ward
  5. Healeyjet

    Dodge Ram 5500 motorhome

    ATCws, Our gear ratio is the 4.44 and I think it is perfect for the truck, tire size and weight. We love our single cab. We have the 120" cab to axle and our total length is around 30-31' bumper to back of our swinging box. We have never ever felt the need for a back seat or for that matter...
  6. Healeyjet

    Ford E450 4x4 build revival

    I agree. I would love to see this one come back. Ward
  7. Healeyjet

    Ski Bum Truck V2.0, F450 Rough Road RV

    My 41's rub on the sway bar at full lock. We are running a 2" lift on the Dodge Ram. I agree thought that it is a slippery slope going large! I wish there was a 37 or so that would work for us. I would appreciate the rig looking a little less Zombie Apocalypse Vehicle LOL. Can't wait to see...
  8. Healeyjet

    Ski Bum Truck V2.0, F450 Rough Road RV

    DOT should be 13'6" Ward
  9. Healeyjet

    Ski Bum Truck V2.0, F450 Rough Road RV

    Not to sway you and I know you don't want the 41" Goodyears but Annie and I have over 40,000 miles on our Goodyear G275's and I won't hesitate to take another 6,000 mile trip on them. Before we leave on our next trip I will slide by the tire shop for their approval but they look good to me...
  10. Healeyjet

    Dodge Ram 5500 motorhome

    We sure did. Every day we spend in the Cruiser the more at home it feels. We have well over 200 nights in it already. Each time we visit a friend along the way they try to insist that we stay in their spare room and have a hard time with it when we stay in the camper. Ward
  11. Healeyjet

    Dodge Ram 5500 motorhome

    Old school selfie! I remember being 16, washing my hot car and heading for the cleanest store windows we could find to watch myself drive by. This photo was taken in Columbus IN. We stopped in Columbus to see the Eero Saarinen designed Miler House. Saarinen designed the house for the owner...
  12. Healeyjet

    Dodge Ram 5500 motorhome

    Thanks Andrew, those are kind words. Ward
  13. Healeyjet

    Dodge Ram 5500 motorhome

    An "upgrade" we made to the camper. We bought a hammock in Key West to put in this spot and it works perfect. Annie slept in in for a good two hours one evening already! The view out my bedroom window high above Norton VA Ward
  14. Healeyjet

    Dodge Ram 5500 motorhome

    A big friend we camped by A little beach drive out onto Porpoise Point outside St augustine FL Annie doing some more sewing Spot where Annie was sewing A stop in Asheville NC at the Grove Park Inn The large fireplace imside the Grove Park Inn Lunch stop on the Blue Ridge Parkway Ward
  15. Healeyjet

    Dodge Ram 5500 motorhome

    Over to our friend Ben's house to check out his AEV Brutes Up to Flagler Beach Florida Down to Miami to check out the Wynwood Walls Annie doing some sewing Went to a Washington Capitals game to visit some freinds Key West Florida Key West sunset Ward
  16. Healeyjet

    Dodge Ram 5500 motorhome

    They use so much salt in Minnesota! Night shot early in our trip We toured the Dana Thomas house in Springfield IL. Designwd by Frank Lloyd Wright On to Florence AL to tour FLLW designed Rosenbaum House Ward
  17. Healeyjet

    Dodge Ram 5500 motorhome

    A quick update for those that care. I just paid up to Photobucket so all of our old photos of thr build should be functioning now. I will be adding photos of this trip shortly Ward
  18. Healeyjet

    Dodge Ram 5500 motorhome

    Haha yes our wine cooler is perfect!! It also doubles as a quiet ride dish package and silverware drawer! Ward
  19. Healeyjet

    Dodge Ram 5500 motorhome

    We sure were. Went to see Frank Lloyd Wright designed Samara yesterday. Had a great meal at East End Grill. Loved Lafayette and want to come back in summer! Ward
  20. Healeyjet

    Dodge Ram 5500 motorhome

    JMan we are just south of Indiannapolis today. We are making our way slowly home. Plan to be home next Friday. Ward