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  1. gait

    Vacuum Insulated Composite Panels

    Sikaflex 11-FC ... branches not twigs
  2. gait

    Vacuum Insulated Composite Panels

    I had a brief look at pultrusions when doing my build. Generally not available to me at the time. As well as box corners it would have been nice to have hatch and door surrounds. I needed "Z", "U" and angle. . In engineering terms they seem to be designed for structural bending resistance. The...
  3. gait

    16" or 19.5" wheels and tires?

    Thanks Westsys. Michelin chairs ETRTO Now I recall, ETRTO want money for their standards. There's passenger, commercial, and other standards (like earthmoving etc). My recollection is that speed / load / pressure isn't linear which made...
  4. gait

    So SkiFreak

    sorry to be serious. And this is strictly non-judgemental. Its hard to allow for individual circumstances and I feel for Owen / Sharon and others. Its possible to build to a tight schedule but most of the issues are "project management" and "design principles" not technical. The most difficult...
  5. gait

    16" or 19.5" wheels and tires?

    the 3.9mt would be before big wheels (added weight) and parabolics (reduced weight) but yes, I can keep it below 4.5mt when it matters. Leaving one rim at home (take a spare carcass plus one rim with tyre) is a good start. The spreadsheet of M608Z data is a bit complicated ...... and if I...
  6. gait

    16" or 19.5" wheels and tires?

    that's the table John, it took me a bit of time to rationalise what it meant. I'll let you distribute it (thanks). I was given it by ATW after asking too many questions. :). My truck is around 4.5mt. Its a long time since I looked, there are similar, though simpler, tables for quite a few other...
  7. gait

    16" or 19.5" wheels and tires?

    static and dynamic load, speed, pressure, temperature, traction, sidewall deformation, construction, road surface, gas, humidity, comfort, and no doubt a whole heap other variables. Load, speed and pressure are a useful, practical, pragmatic, approximation. My materials background (I'm really a...
  8. gait

    16" or 19.5" wheels and tires?

    I have a big spreadsheet with max load at speed and pressure. No problem with my load, just get a bit hot if I drive too fast on low pressure.
  9. gait

    Effects of lake or stream water sources on expedition RV's water systems

    I didn't really follow through on ozone research for RV use John. It has a half life in water at 20 deg C of about 15 minutes and I preferred to keep whatever dead things get into the tank dead. Just as with chlorine the ozone has disinfection by-products, just not as carcinogenic. Possible to...
  10. gait

    Effects of lake or stream water sources on expedition RV's water systems

    we're about on par with the chlorine. Some of it gets consumed oxidising inorganic micro-pollutants, some the organic micro-pollutants, and the remaining free chlorine kills things and keeps them dead. Its the free chlorine we can smell in the water - just enough to smell is my test. The free...
  11. gait

    Well, I broke it.

    "trail fix" seems to sum it up nicely. Its typically impractical to look for elegant engineering solutions for many problems while on the road, living in the vehicle, far from known support, without a local base, with limited facilities, with a language barrier, without the luxury of time, not...
  12. gait

    Protecting the rear drums with SRW

    good question, they do look a bit odd stuck out like they are. A bit like side effects from medication. Not just the drums - brake pipes, bleed nipples, and I'm sure "etc". I eventually figured they looked odd rather than being too big a problem. On reflection I figured that something somewhere...
  13. gait

    Vacuum Insulated Composite Panels

    its all an interesting mixture of insulation, cross flow ventilation, and thermal mass. And Shannon is very right about the thermal bridges. Both loss of insulation and condensation. Fridges are all about insulation. Compressor control schemes make a difference but insulation has the most...
  14. gait

    Diving in Head First!

    vibration off front prop shaft with increased angle after lift, possibly caused transfer box front oil seal to weep, hopefully bearings ok. "odd" arrangement, seems to have two universals and a cv joint.
  15. gait

    EarthCruiser Overland Vehicles

    have you tried one of the small model aircraft wattmeters Howard. Here's one example, there are a couple of styles. Nifty little things that work well with RVs...
  16. gait

    Well, I broke it.

    thanks, we're back home in Aus now, so time and space to repair properly.
  17. gait

    Well, I broke it.

    I have to repair / rebuild my sub-frame. The main sub-frame rails cracked just in front of the pivot plate - most odd place. I'd expected behind if anywhere and had braced. Thus the spare wheels on the long cantilever pulled the rear down by about 30mm. That caused the box to bow at the sides...
  18. gait

    Well, I broke it.

    the 2010 build is here below is an image from that page of one of the third pair of (spring) mounts. Just at front of rear springs (pre parabolic). The front mounts are same, just the bottom is inverted to accommodate the step in...
  19. gait

    Well, I broke it.

    this is for interest, as is - I have no intention of trying to persuade people of the effectiveness of any of the competing approaches, simply to note that they can all be made to work and all with have their own peculiar failure mode. After more than 100,000 km on lots of rough roads with...
  20. gait

    Effects of lake or stream water sources on expedition RV's water systems

    that's basically it. IMHO the chlorine does most of the work. It reacts with "stuff" in the water and is consumed. How much varies significantly. Smelling the free chlorine means there's some left over to kill "things". We didn't resort to bottled drinking water as some independent travelers...