Search results

  1. S

    100 Series buyer needs advice

    Thanks everyone for the replies and advice. I finally took a look at the truck today and wanted to give an update. The body and interior were very clean and well taken care of. That seams to have been the only priority. The engine bay was filthy with oil gunk from weeping gaskets etc...
  2. S

    100 Series buyer needs advice

    I'll check out Slee again before heading out to take a look at it. Thanks everybody for the quick responses! Best ccm
  3. S

    100 Series buyer needs advice

    I'm looking at this rig tomorrow so any additional advice given the lack of maintenance would be great. Thanks ccm
  4. S

    100 Series buyer needs advice

    Thanks for the input MPH! I've done searches and I'm comfortable with the timing belt (which i would change along with water pump seals etc if purchased) I would also have it gone through and have all the fluids, seals, hoses etc changed out before hitting the road. But I'm concerned that no...
  5. S

    100 Series buyer needs advice

    Hello, Long time lurker just recently joined this great community and source of info. I'm looking to get a 100 series for an upcoming 2 month US and Canada trip. I've traveled solo a few times in smaller vehicles but this time my wife and dog are coming along so I was thinking I would get...