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  1. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    You're correct, that "MAIN" breaker is what allows shore power into your trailer. You do have to push the Renogy button to charge your batteries, though. The "A/C" breaker makes the air conditioning unit live. The "INVERTER" breaker makes the 120V outlets in the trailer live, but again, you have...
  2. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    I don't know if it's bad or not. Probably not, as they're designed to turn off when there's a problem, but I still only turn them on when I'm using them.
  3. gendlert

    **** SOLD **** For Sale: NEW 2023 Kingdom Camping Caravan XL

    I'm very sorry for what your family must be going through for you to sell this trailer. GLWS, and best wishes to your family. This is an amazing deal for an amazing trailer
  4. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    Wow. You could gut the electronics completely and rebuild it using Battleborn, Victron, and Zamp head to toe, and head to a machine shop to work in an airbag solution, and still come out well under $40k...:unsure:
  5. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    No seam leaks after two years and about 80 nights in the trailer.
  6. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    Putting the top down is also the only way to ensure you smash your head on one of the 42 introduced obstacles (though the pool noodle on the lift bar is a good call). Texas is in need of some mountains. 9k ft of elevation helps the AC issue a lot. :)
  7. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    Interesting. You weighed the trailer twice with varying water fills and happened to be within 3 sig figs without delta. I think I'm most impressed with that detail! :) This is very helpful. And makes me want a 2500.
  8. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    I stand corrected (and updated my previous post). The button does control both the charger and inverter functions. You will have to have both the MAIN breaker on and the charger/inverter turned on to charge via shore power.
  9. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    First, there are definitely a few solar gurus around here, but I'm not one of them. I'm learning as I go, just like you. I had a Zamp panel for my previous trailer, and it was wired backwards from the rest of the universe (I think it's a Zamp thing). I had installed an SAE connection in the wall...
  10. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    Edit here: I had previously said the button doesn't control both the inverter and charger functions, but I was mistaken. You need to have the button pushed in for the charger to work. I kept the rest of the post the same for posterity, but that part is wrong. Yes, the button turns on the...
  11. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    No, 12V plugs do not work in both directions, only output. If your trailer comes equipped with the anderson plug at the tongue, you can use that to charge the battery.
  12. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    If you have geese in your trailer, that could very well be what poked your wife. Geese are notoriously feisty. We haven't had any issues with our mattress in two years.
  13. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    The stock batteries are definitely wired in parallel. You have 3x12V 100Ah batteries with 12V 300Ah output. Series would make 3x12V=36V with 100Ah output. So just use the wiring from the AGM for your Li set. You'll need to adjust the settings on your solar controller and charger/inverter to...
  14. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    Easy test to see if it's installed backwards: put it in the middle where it should be pulling from both. If it's installed backwards, no water will come out. If it's installed correctly (and you have water in both tanks), you'll be able to wash your hands.
  15. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    Probably not along the lines of what you're looking for, but my wife bought these: She slid them into the rail and uses them as hooks for her lights and disco ball. (Because why not, that's why! You already have a trailer with an INDOOR BATHROOM, for Pete's sake. Don't...
  16. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    I also use it to wash hands as a final activity after packing up and hooking up the trailer.
  17. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    Joke's on them. They'll be wishing they had a manual.
  18. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    Challenge accepted! No, I won't give you my address. 1. Buy McHitch receiver for 300 bucks and wait 3 days until it arrives. Then steal trailer worth 100+ times the value. 2. Chains-only drag away. Short chains. Figure it out when you get home. A little messy, likely some damage to vehicle and...
  19. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    I use my locking hitch pin and run it through the hole in the McHitch when it sits. Not fool-proof by any means, but it would slow someone down. There are so many ways to steal a trailer if someone is motivated. Make sure you have it insured.
  20. gendlert

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    I just took a trip in AZ and my fridge (SnoMaster) is keeping up in the driveway (100F+ in Tucson) when I'm pre-cooling it under 12V power only (I haven't been plugging it in at home since I upgraded to Li). I have one side set to 5F (for ice cream and cocktail ice) and the other set to 37F (for...