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  1. L


    As Justin says the stock skid plates look to be made from used world war 2 era tin cans Land Rover found laying around the countryside. Don't trust that to protect your low hanging vulnerable gas tank. The Proud Rhino gas tank skid plate is made from 3/8 Aluminum to help keep the already heavy...
  2. L

    LR3 Slider options/opinions

    Sorry about the Hardware gentleman we weren't trying to cheap out on the 11 cents more for washers, one of our guys built a few hardware packs for the sliders we had in stock and used the wrong washers... So we are all set now we pulled out the checkbook for the 11 cents ha.
  3. L

    Gap IID Tool: First go.

    It's great to see how much the Tool has helped everybody, It really is true that these pay for themselves... We currently have a handful in stock if anyone wants one call or email me mentioning you are a member and I can get you one shipped to the lower 48 with $25 off. Thanks Steve 716 898...